My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 16 Mon 2020 13:05
- Mar 16 Mon 2020 13:04
【大天使加百利】2020-3-14 創作的目的
A very common issue creatives face is not the creating itself but rather how to know when something is finished.How do you know when a painting is as good as it can be? How do you know when the story is done? How do you know when the song is complete?
- Mar 16 Mon 2020 13:03
【大天使加百利】2020-3-13 請跟隨你心的指引,提供你獨一無二的禮物
As you move further into the energies of 2020 and beyond, many of you will be called to move into service for the first time, or will be called to change your service offerings.This is the natural unfoldment towards the next phase of your incarnation.
- Mar 16 Mon 2020 13:02
- Mar 15 Sun 2020 15:41
- Mar 15 Sun 2020 15:36
- Mar 14 Sat 2020 11:11
【大角星人】2020-3-8 不要試圖讓已經完結的事物重新運作
- Mar 13 Fri 2020 14:52
- Mar 13 Fri 2020 14:33
- Mar 13 Fri 2020 13:57
- Mar 13 Fri 2020 13:41
【大天使加百利】2020-3-12 釋放自我施加的限制
The times you are in are all about releasing self-imposed limitations.Many of you have been doing a good job at recognizing where fear or old belief systems have held you back.But there is another way many of you hold yourselves back that you don't realize.That is holding onto old positive experiences as being the highest potentials that could ever occur.
- Mar 13 Fri 2020 13:40
【大天使加百利】2020-3-11 你真正準備好擴展到下一個體驗了嗎?
The universe, along with the assistance of your soul, is so efficient it often provides you with supports and solutions well before you need them.You often don't recognize they are there, until you are truly ready to expand into your next experience.It can be a wonderful practice to simply ask,"What is already in place for me that I haven't been seeing or recognizing?" You may very well be surprised to discover that what you need has been sitting there waiting for your readiness and acknowledgment the entire time.