- Aug 11 Thu 2016 12:14
- Aug 10 Wed 2016 13:32
【天使的指導】2016-8-7 現在你會開始看到一切靈巧地到位
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the current energies.Today marks the beginning in many ways and what better to signify a new beginning than a new moon.
- Aug 10 Wed 2016 13:30
- Aug 10 Wed 2016 13:11
【本傑明·富爾福德】2016-8-9 可薩黑手黨要把東盟、日本和韓國拱手交給中國
An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Society last week that Hillary Clinton had offered to hand over Korea, ASEAN and Japan to help create a"United States of China," if the Chinese supported her bid to become President of the United States.Clinton also told the Chinese that a short sharp war with the US military would be needed to put this plan in place and establish China as the world's number1superpower.For this reason China supports Clinton, the official said.
- Aug 10 Wed 2016 13:04
【天使的智慧】2016-8-8 繼續前進
Keep Going!
- Aug 10 Wed 2016 12:59
- Aug 09 Tue 2016 14:50
- Aug 09 Tue 2016 14:40
【巴夏】超越集體意識Going M.A.D.Holotope圖型引導冥想
The Regeneration Chamber—Holotope Meditation
- Aug 09 Tue 2016 14:14
【造物主】2016-8-8 感恩
What joy you bring to my existence, what love and bliss! You are my shining beacon upon the Earth, a pleasure in all of your glory to behold.I am thankful for you.
- Aug 09 Tue 2016 14:12
【造物主】2016-8-7 一個有效的恐懼?
Fears have their basis in one experience and you are the one that perpetuates them into an imagined reality.Getting caught up if the "what ifs"create an endless loop of stagnation that hinders your growth.If you allow yourself to release this, step out of your comfort zone and reach into a new reality you will find most of your fears are not valid at all.
- Aug 09 Tue 2016 13:47
- Aug 08 Mon 2016 13:31