In essence,your waiting time is not waiting at all.It is a growing,learning and accepting time; acceptance of self,of others and of The Divine that exists within and without you.
- Feb 23 Tue 2016 13:00
【造物主】2016-2-22 浪費時間?
- Feb 23 Tue 2016 12:59
【造物主】2016-2-21 觸及
Love,joy,happiness,faith and peace.Even if you do not feel these things 100% of the time,they are still there waiting for you to reach out and grab them.
- Feb 23 Tue 2016 12:54
- Feb 22 Mon 2016 12:43
- Feb 22 Mon 2016 12:40
- Feb 22 Mon 2016 12:37
【大天使加百利】2016-2-21 擁抱流動
Dear Ones,when the energies begin to shift for you,embrace that flow.There may be several steps between where you are now and your desired result.Great change is created one step at a time,one Now moment at a time.Sometimes these small increments are required to move you into full alignment with the life of your dreams.Trust,and know that each step forward allows you to see just a little further,giving you more details and necessary elements for the divine unfoldment of your next great creation.
- Feb 22 Mon 2016 12:34
【造物主】2016-2-20 付出
Being able to love,forgive,give and allow others to grow without the expectation of anything in return is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
- Feb 22 Mon 2016 12:33
- Feb 21 Sun 2016 13:22
- Feb 21 Sun 2016 13:20
【麥克.昆西的高我】2016-2-19 請保持積極正向的態度並明白—所有的發展都進行的很好
Time continues to speed up and your consciousness levels are growing all of the time.You will reach a point where you will no longer be able to remain in the lower vibrations,and will ascend.It is the point of change that you have been heading for since you first dropped down into them.This opportunity is open to every soul that has focussed upon Ascension,and taken steps to prepare themselves for such an occasion.If you have been aware of it and raised your vibrations,there is no reason why you should not be successful.These opportunities are always open to any soul that has prepared for such an upliftment,and their Guides will help them to be successful.
- Feb 21 Sun 2016 13:19
【大天使加百利】2016-2-20 這是地球上激動人心和輝煌的階段,是偉大發現的時代
Dear Ones,the times they are a-changing,and you are discovering this more and more on your planet.Things that were once energetically supported are very obviously no longer receiving that support.
- Feb 21 Sun 2016 13:15
【天使的智慧】2016-2-19 跟隨你的心
There is no one set path for you to follow