- Jan 07 Thu 2016 14:33
- Jan 06 Wed 2016 13:58
【新聞】希拉蕊想揭外星人面紗? 51區的神秘面紗即將被揭曉?
- Jan 06 Wed 2016 13:58
- Jan 06 Wed 2016 13:49
【大天使加百利】2016-1-5 相信進程
So many of you try to communicate with us and get frustrated if you cannot hear us.We have much to say about this topic!
- Jan 06 Wed 2016 13:48
【天使的智慧】2016-1-4 一個新的成長水平
A New Level of Growth
- Jan 06 Wed 2016 13:43
【造物主】2016-1-4 一念之間
The space between: what you are and what you are to become,what you have and what you will receive,how you think and what you will think in the future is all just a moment away.Be comfortable with the resting spot you"ve chosen.The upward progression of the soul need not be fraught with slings and arrows.It is,after all,only thought.
- Jan 05 Tue 2016 14:55
- Jan 05 Tue 2016 14:43
【柯博拉】2016-1-3 近況更新
Clearing of the Chimera group continues.Kuiper Ring,the network of physical Chimera bases in the outer Solar System,has been almost completely removed.Last remnants of the Chimera fleet are in disarray,scattered throughout the Solar System and hiding near the position of plasmatic nodes with the highest concentration of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs,using those bombs as a shielding mechanism.
- Jan 05 Tue 2016 14:42
- Jan 05 Tue 2016 14:40
【大天使加百利】2016-1-4 如何顯化你神聖的愛之夥伴關係
If you are wishing to manifest a divine love partnership,one of the most helpful things you can do is to acknowledge that person already exists and then incorporate them into your life energetically.Meditate and ask to connect with that person.Feel their energy.Try not to force them into being anyone specific,just concentrate on how they feel loving and wonderful.If you are having trouble not attaching to how they look,simply imagine them standing behind you,holding you in their arms lovingly.
- Jan 05 Tue 2016 14:36
【天使的智慧】2015-12-31 重生到新的時代
Rebirth into a New Era
- Jan 05 Tue 2016 14:33
【造物主】2016-1-3 思考
If you are thinking low,think higher.If you are feeling small,think big.If you are feeling weak,think strong.See yourself as The Universe always sees you,not as you see yourself…the perfect,wonderful,whole you.