鎂是人體進行超過 300 種生化酵素反應所需的一種必要礦物質,眾所周知血液中充足的鎂有助促進心血管健康。新的證據刊載於《神經科學雜誌》,內文指出這種礦物質對於促進大腦電子及神經傳遞功能的重要性。

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So much is occurring on Earth that it is difficult for you to determine exactly what is happening.Karma is being played out whilst at the same time the Light is progressing to bring through more of the higher energies.More and more people are beginning to understand how they have been manipulated by the Illuminati,and rightly feel angry that they have been misled for so long.Not only that,but the way in which you have been denied many of the advances that they have kept to themselves.The truth is that you also knew before you incarnated,that you would experience a strong challenge to take away your freedom and your rights.However,you might not have been aware that you were chosen because of your background and experience.A few may fall by the wayside but it was known that the vast majority would rise up against the dark Ones.Consequently you have been able to withstand their actions,so much so that they can no longer be sure of fulfilling their own agenda.So we can say that the Light has won the fight against them and although they will fight to the bitter end,they cannot win.

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Many of you have used vision boards to represent what you would like to manifest in your lives.Along that line,we have a suggestion to help you capture the essence of what you would like to experience.

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Love and Respect Yourself

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You were created in love and with love by The Universe.Why try to be anything other than what you are?

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根據美國糖尿病協會的統計, 2007 年在美國花費於糖尿病的醫療保健費用和因此損失的生產總值即超過 1740億美元。糖尿病患者的醫療保健費用是非糖尿病患者的 2.3 倍,而且醫療保健有 1/10的花費是由於糖尿病而產生。尋求各種方式治療糖尿病有許多好處,省錢即是其中之一。

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Senior cabalists in the West are threatening tsunamis,nuclear terror,death camps and other atrocities as their grip on world power continues to slip.The Russian,Iranian and Pentagon attack against Saudi Arabian,Israeli and Turkish troops in Syria appears to be the most visible trigger for these threats.

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Today we invite you to stop,acknowledge,and celebrate all that is wonderful about you.Then,stop and take a moment to celebrate what is wonderful about all the people in your life.You get to choose what you wish to connect with,both in yourself,and in others.

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Seek the Truth

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哈佛大學公共衛生學院的研究人員對於塑膠化學物質 BPA(雙酚 A、酚甲烷)有了新的發現。原來,懷孕期接觸 BPA可能使女童在出生後及童年時期產生侵略性及不良行為。

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