Some of the easiest things to do are often perceived as the most challenging.Release yourself to the flow of the world around you,experience what you can; it is all a growth experience.You will be able to look back on it fondly and say,「I remember when」…
- Sep 15 Tue 2015 20:10
【造物主】2015-9-13 還記得嗎?
- Sep 15 Tue 2015 20:07
自製抗花粉症配方能夠快速減少季節性過敏反應,舒緩流鼻水、噴嚏、搔癢、鼻塞及咳嗽等症狀。花粉症影響包括鼻腔、喉嚨、眼部及上顎等部位的黏膜組織,草和花粉是引起免疫系統出現炎症反應的原因,由於化學物質、粉塵及污染物導致症狀更為惡化。研究指出,大約 20% 的人口多少都有花粉症。
- Sep 14 Mon 2015 13:58
- Sep 14 Mon 2015 13:56
- Sep 14 Mon 2015 13:51
【大天使加百利】2015-9-13 看到自己的真理和愛
When was the last time you stopped and recognized how fabulous you really are? When was the last time you stopped to tell yourself how much you loved you? Look into your eyes in the mirror.See the innate goodness,the innocence,the caring,the divinity.Then know that we see you in your truth in such a glorious way that is infinitely more than what you see in yourself,and is breathtaking to behold.There is no harm that can come from allowing yourself to see your own truth and loveliness,Dear Ones.Only more love can come from such a pure and nurturing action.
- Sep 14 Mon 2015 13:44
植物的治療效用已經逐漸獲得主流科學的驗證。美國國家衛生研究院終於接受植物具療效的這件事實及重要性,並且資助一支國際科學團隊 600 萬美元,進行植物製造多樣化學物質方式的研究,包括藥用植物的基因藍圖和這些基因所產生的助益等研究結果已經首度正式對外公開。
- Sep 13 Sun 2015 14:50
【大天使加百利】2015-9-12 讓自己翱翔到無限的領域
What is the one thing in your life that limits you,that you think will never change? Stop and ask yourself,if you look through new eyes of endless potential,if that belief is really true.If,from every possible viewpoint you can take,it still seems to be true,ask yourself if the universe sees things you cannot.Then ask yourself from a universal perspective if it is still true.
- Sep 13 Sun 2015 14:46
【大天使加百利】2015-9-11 順流是通往你渴望結果的高速公路
When you ask spirit for assistance with a problem and then immediately surrender and move into the energies of acceptance and flow,you are focused on quickly and efficiently shifting into a solution.When you ask spirit for help and stay in resistance to movement,you are staying in the energy of the problem.Do you see? The flow is the superhighway to your desired outcome.
- Sep 13 Sun 2015 14:45
【天使的智慧】2015-9-11 蒙受祝福之轉變
Blessed Change
- Sep 13 Sun 2015 14:41
- Sep 12 Sat 2015 14:37
【Monique Mathieu】每月底的全球冥想
- Sep 12 Sat 2015 14:33