All of sudden after waiting for some considerable time for positive news about Ascension,you are finding that a number of sources are receiving positive information.You are now repeatedly being informed that the 28th.September is the high point of the month,as the day on which the photon energies peak.Not only that,but to a level that has not been previously experienced.If you ever had any doubts about the progress being made towards Ascension,they have surely now been removed.You will now begin to realise that so much has been happening"behind the scenes"that you were not aware of previously.As you have often been told,that has been in the interests of keeping our plan secret for as long as possible.Different civilisations have been involved in the action,not least of all the Shelves from the 6th.dimension who have suddenly made themselves known to you.They are of the Light and will ensure that you succeed in making your way through to Ascension,and they will not allow the dark Ones to carry on interfering with your progress.As you look back you will realise that since 2012 there has been steady progress made,until suddenly you have found your place in the New Age and nothing can stop your completion.

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You have every single thing you could ever need right within you.In fact,you are all treasure troves of divinity.

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How many times have you heard,「You can't because….you're too young,too old,not the "right"color,you're a woman,you're a man"or any other variation you can think of? Please remember that the person using that phrase is not speaking to you,they are speaking to themselves.

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為了順應消費趨勢及新的政府規範,主要食品業者開始宣佈去除產品包裝中干擾荷爾蒙的化學物質 BPA(酚甲烷、雙酚A)的計畫。

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Rob:大家好。又請來了我們親愛的朋友,光之大使Cobra。我們將分享一些有關於行星地球解放的信息。很多事情正在發生。我要再次道歉,之前非常忙。我和Luis Maeten先生去了玻利維亞,當然還要舉行我的雪士達山會議。我們是在8月31日錄音。這是一個每月訪問但會在9月才會發佈。希望我們在9月再做另一次採訪。我要為訪問延期道歉,我知道很多人都在等待,感謝你們的耐心。我們有很多事情正在發生。事不而遲,Cobra歡迎你來到Victory of light電台節目,很高興你到來。

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Begin to be conscious of your thoughts and feelings

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There is a tendency in sensitive humans to dread time periods that promise to be busier energetically due to astrological alignments and events such as eclipses,mercury retrogrades and the changing of seasons.You may have found previous events of the sort have been challenging,so you presume that any further events will be the same.

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