Look Past

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越來越多社會大眾意識到玩具、奶瓶、水壺等塑膠製品當中含有可怕的雙酚 A(bisphenol A,BPA),這是一種會干擾人體內分泌的環境荷爾蒙。有鑑於此,許多標榜無BPA的新產品應運而生。但是您知道嗎?用以取代BPA的物質雙酚 S(bisphenol S,BPS)毒素並不會比較少。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Forgiveness is a concept many people struggle with.Most people want to forgive,but they fear if they do it will leave them open to experience hurt again.They think the act of forgiveness is foolish,or somehow condoning what happened to them.

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Give freely of yourself

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Free the Colonies activation was a big success.The critical mass of the surface population required for this activation was lower because we were dealing with an off-planet situation and it was reached easily.The most critical part of the Breakthrough operations for our Solar System was taking place between May 28th and June 2nd and is now complete.

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Simply BEing is the best way to give yourself a soul vacation while you are in the body.It will have the same restorative effects,the same sense of wonder,the same peace,the same appreciation for the present moment,and the same joy based flow as an actual vacation,and it is something you can enjoy whenever you like.

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Count your many blessings

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