- May 30 Sat 2015 12:29
- May 29 Fri 2015 14:40
【大角星人】2015-5-24 愛
- May 29 Fri 2015 14:36
【大天使加百利】2015-5-28 給予自己接納和無條件的愛
When you yearn for the energies of Home,what you are really yearning for is the energy of complete and total acceptance,exactly as you are.You can create this to a great extent for yourself,by loving yourself unconditionally and embracing your unique energy and offerings.Spend time in the activities that bring you joy.Give yourself permission to be you.Shine in your truth,and you will be able to draw to you the others who recognize and appreciate you just as you are.But most of all,give yourself acceptance and unconditional love first,and you will be anchoring the energies of heaven on earth,and embodying the very things you most wish to experience.~Archangel Gabriel
- May 29 Fri 2015 14:34
【大天使加百利】2015-5-27 接納
The faster you can stop looking for ways to make yourself or others wrong,the faster the energy of complete acceptance will take hold and allow people to finally focus on what is gloriously right in each and every person on the planet.Acceptance supports freedom,which is the sweet nectar that allows every soul to self express in a way that is perfect for them.It is through that freedom that people will finally find their purpose and live the satisfying life expressions they were always meant to live.Don't you want that for yourself and for others? It all starts with your complete and total acceptance for yourselves and each other,and everything will shift and shine from that point forward.~Archangel Gabriel
- May 29 Fri 2015 14:32
【天使的智慧】2015-5-27 你們許多人在體驗巨大的改變
Many of you are experiencing enormous change
- May 29 Fri 2015 14:28
【造物主】2015-5-28 執中
Center Yourself
- May 28 Thu 2015 13:54
【柯博拉】2015-5-20 Cobra Interview with Rob Potter
Rob:先生女士們,這是Victory of Light特別節目,我是你的主持Rob Potter。我們終於能在Pyramid One Network上播放,我想感謝我的製作人John Allen和Bob Charles的努力。你可以在我的網站thepromiserevealed.com的Radio Shows下面的Cobra特別問答中找到這個節目存檔。再一次,歡迎來到Victory of Light節目。很榮幸你能到來。
- May 28 Thu 2015 13:33
【本傑明·富爾福德】2015-5-26 為了行星地球的戰鬥,隨著政權更替、核訛詐與迫在眉睫的金融崩潰而依然在持續
Sometimes news seems to repeat itself.Sometimes news seems to repeat itself.If this sounds repetitive it is repetitive.That is because many recent news events can be summarized in a few repeating patterns: Greece threatens to default,the Ukraine threatens to default,the US runs out of money again,there is another fake mass shooting event in the US(this time Waco),China and Japan say slightly different things about each other's history then military pilots fly to obscure islands and wave the finger at each other,Shias,Sunnis,Jews and Western mercenaries pretending to be Muslim extremists do bad things or are victims of bad things,North Korea shoots off a missile,etc.Etc.
- May 28 Thu 2015 13:17
【大天使麥特昶】2015-2-27 直覺世界的開啟
- May 28 Thu 2015 12:56
【大角星人】2015-4-12 衝突的能量
- May 28 Thu 2015 12:55
【天使的智慧】2015-5-26 活出你的真理
Live your truth
- May 28 Thu 2015 12:34
【造物主】2015-5-27 多久?
How Far?