See the hidden beauty
- Jan 29 Thu 2015 12:15
【天使的智慧】2015-1-27 看到隱藏的美麗
- Jan 29 Thu 2015 12:14
- Jan 29 Thu 2015 12:12
- Jan 29 Thu 2015 11:59
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:29
【本傑明·富爾福德】2015-1-27 全球局勢訊息更新
The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold,leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil.The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery.The Russians were not far behind when they took of the gloves and began a full scale military campaign against the cabal mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine.Also,the cabal slave government in Yemen,located next to Saudi Arabia"s oil fields,was overthrown last week just as Saudi King Abdullah died.
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:26
【本傑明·富爾福德】2015-1-19 全球局勢訊息更新
The radical plunge in the Euro last week against the Yen,the US dollar and especially the Swiss Franc is a clear indication the battle over control of the financial system,and the world,is coming to a climax.The Swiss move to decouple their Franc from the Euro came one week before an elite summit meeting in Davos,Switzerland is due to kick off with a keynote speech by China"s number 2 Li Keqiang.This is the first time the Chinese government has sent any one significant to Davos in 5 years.The speech will focus on China"s take on the international situation and will offer possible solutions to various international problems.This Davos meeting is being called"A New Global Context"a name clearly meant to disassociate it with the fascist New World Order.In closed room sessions,Chinese government sources say Li will be discussing Chinese/Swiss financial integration.What this clearly indicates is that the Swiss banking world,including the central bank for central banks the BIS,have joined the BRICS/UK/Pentagon alliance.
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:11
【造物主】2015-1-27 放手讓魔法發生
Let Go,Let Magic
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:08
【胡因夢】威爾伯的Fourth Turning所引發的聯想
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:07
【大天使加百利】2015-1-27 宏偉的嘗試?
Why not have a grand experiment? Why not try starting your days with different kinds of surrender? One day you might do a general surrender to Source and enter into the flow.Another day you might surrender into the flow of love.Another day you might surrender into being of your highest purpose.Another you may choose to surrender into joy.Then perhaps try not surrendering at all.
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:01
【天使的智慧】2015-1-26 地球天使
Earth Angels Heart of Gold
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 12:59
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 12:58