My dear friends,we love you so very much,

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There is nothing more powerful than a surrendered human being allowing their beingness to lead the way, for every single thing that happens from that point on is supported by the flow, and a true match to who they really are and where they wish to go.But even more than that, a non-resistant human being has the ability to be easily moved into the right time/right place scenarios that allow them to be of their greatest service and the answer to a prayer.You become a willing participant of both serving and being served which allows you to become one with the love of Source, and that is the height of the human experience.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The belief that money is power is prevalent on your planet, and that is true from a 3D standpoint.Many of you, as agents of change, have been rejecting the old power structures, and from doing so have also been subconsciously rejecting money.What we want you to understand is that as your relationship with power shifts from the old ways of separating power into the new ways of unifying empowerment, so will your relationship with money.From your new place of unity consciousness and empowerment, you will find it easier to embrace a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving, and that includes allowing the flow of money and other forms of abundance.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

After a year of reeling under a fake COVID 19 pandemic attack,the good guys are on the offensive around the world against the Khazarian Mafia(KM).This is happening in Europe,the United States,Japan,China and elsewhere.The results are reflected in such things as the rebirth of the Soviet Union,the collapse of Hollywood,the liberation of Japan etc.If all goes according to plan,humanity will be liberated in 2022.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the things that has been disconcerting to many is the emergence of so many vast and varied conspiracy theories.What we want you to understand is that this is actually a sign of expansion and that masses of people are waking up.It indicates that people are starting to question beyond the 3D reality right in front of them, and that is a positive thing.They are beginning to explore many different potentials and possibilities.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you want to experience more ease in your lives.Ease comes from following your heart, being willing to be guided, being willing to receive, and using your conscious awareness to follow the signs and synchronicities of the flow with your faith and trust.You cannot experience ease and practice resistance at the same time because ease is a state of acceptance and gentle expansion while resistance is a state of defiance and contraction.Or, if you prefer, ease is a 5D trait, and resistance is a 3D trait.You get to choose which system you operate from, Dear Ones, and we highly recommend you put your time and focus into energies that can get you where you wish to go.Do you have old habits to release and new habits to anchor so you can finally experience the ease you crave?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Surrender is not about giving up your identity or preferences, but rather moving with the energies that allow you to become and experience more of who you really are.It is an authenticity tool that allows you to shrug off old stories and limitations and discover your truest self and your highest potentials with the greatest amount of assistance possible.The universe is only interested in expansion and that means revealing and enhancing what is glorious about you!

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