目前分類:大角星人 (223)

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Welcome dear ones.Once again we wish you to know that all is proceeding according to plan.We repeat this often because in the face of so many global and personal issues surfacing,many doubt this.Pockets of old but active energy continue to surface on all levels to be seen and cleared.

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Always know that our messages come in love and with the intention of bringing knowledge and encouragement to you who are meeting the challenges of living on earth at this time from a higher level of awareness.

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Welcome dear readers.

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Welcome dear readers.

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Dear readers we are pleased to once again connect with you who have chosen to bring your light and awareness to earth's ascension process.

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Welcome dear readers.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear readers,welcome to this message which in reality is your message because consciousness draws to itself that which it is in alignment with and thus through these messages you are attracting to yourself what it is you need to know,understand,and are ready for.This is why it is so important to be aware of what you hold in consciousness.

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Dear readers,because so many have begun to question and even lose hope as they look out on today's world,this message is intended to bring greater understanding and encouragement with regard to earth's ascension process.Much of this has to do with the fact that so many are continuing to hold three dimensional concepts of what the ascension process should look like and then when it doesn't,they begin to doubt and question.

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Dear readers,greetings and welcome to another message from the Arcturian Group.These messages are sent in love with the intention of bringing information and courage to you brave ones who chose to incarnate on a planet suffering within a fog of negativity and falsehoods in order to bring the light of your evolved consciousness to it.

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