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Dear readers, with love and compassion we welcome you to our message. We are well aware that many of you are dealing with the effects of clearing old energy as well as issues that come with living in a three dimensional world.

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Greetings and welcome to our message, dear readers.

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Welcome to our message dear readers.

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Welcome dear readers. It is our intention that these messages flow to you on steamers of love that will help you to better understand and move through the chaotic aspects of the ascension process.

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Dear ones, once again we welcome you to our message.Many are tempted to doubt and question the whole idea of an ascension process and we understand this because in these times of increasing violence and misunderstanding between countries and individuals it is very easy to do. The ascension process automatically brings change but moving beyond the false belief system that has ruled the world for thousands of years must unfold gradually at this time in the presence of fear and resistance to change.

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Welcome, dear readers. Always know that it is our joy and privilege to serve you in this way. We understand the frustrations of being spiritually evolved while living in a world that for the most part is not. We honor you who have chosen to be a vital component of earth's ascension process.

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Welcome, dear Readers.Never doubt that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan, for Earth is a living soul never meant to suffer the effects of separation consciousness permanently. As high-resonating energy continues to flood Earth the spiritually awake as well as those who are not are feeling it are being affected physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

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Welcome to your message dear ones for in reality these messages constitute the receptivity and consciousness of the readers because there is only one. Just as you are the fullness of Divine Consciousness individualized, so are we and all who have chosen to express on other planets in forms that may differ from yours. No one is or ever has been created better, more special, or holier than another because there is only one life. Some are simply more awake than others.

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Welcome dear readers. Always know that these message hold the intention of guiding readers toward a higher understanding and awareness of what is taking place both within and without. These are times of intense clearings because all old energy that has been stored and carried from past lives must be cleared in order to align with the higher frequencies of spiritual ascension.

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Dear readers, welcome to our message.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear readers welcome once again to our message. You are known and your courage admired as those on this side observe your struggle to break free from the dense cocoons of belief that have served only to hold you in bondage to illusion over lifetimes.

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Welcome dear readers

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Welcome dear readers.

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Dear readers, welcome once again to our message, a message meant to offer hope, information, deeper spiritual awareness, and a fuller understanding of what you personally and the world in general may be experiencing at this time.

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Welcome, dear readers. Know that we and the many others presently working with you from this side honor, respect, and appreciate the work you are doing on the front lines. Even if you feel like you are doing nothing, know that just the presence of your state of consciousness is helping to lift the world collective. We are assisting earth's ascension process from this side but you have the more difficult job of working in it while not of it.

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Welcome dear readers.During these times of confusion, violence, and chaos, never doubt that you are known, loved, and honored for choosing to assist earth in her journey to once again express the Divine perfection that is her reality.

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Welcome dear readers. During these times of change and new beginnings, remember that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan.

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Happy New Year, dear readers. Welcome to a year in which you will witness increasingly more change, awakenings, exposure, and new beginnings.

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Welcome, dear readers. Know that in reality, our messages are your messages for we are one and the consciousness of readers draws forth the message.

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Dear readers, we come with a message of hope, love, information, and support for you who are so courageously holding Light in these times of change and energetic density. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan because a Divine plan can never be interfered with, changed, or stopped through human thinking or the strategies. One with God is always a majority.

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