The more you learn about the Illuminati, the more frightening they will appear as they advance in leaps and bounds, whilst keeping your civilisation in the Dark Ages. The progress you should have made has been denied you, but you will go forward quite quickly when the Illuminati have been disempowered. However, you should avoid any overreaction to such news, as they are following a path that will lead to their demise. Before that happens, you who have devoted yourselves to the Light will move ahead from them. You are destined to ascend and will in fact leave them well behind as you move into the higher vibrations to continue your evolution. You will go forward at an immense speed by which time we will have joined you. With us you will become Galactic Beings and receive immense help and assistance. We have a future together although you are not bound to any particular path, and you will choose where and when as it serves your best interests.
目前分類:SaLuSa (78)
- Aug 30 Sat 2014 13:37
【SaLuSa】2014-8-29 我們一直陪伴在你們身邊
- Aug 22 Fri 2014 23:36
【SaLuSa】2014-8-22 這段時期是極其重要的,榮耀殊勝的未來已等待著你們
Many of you have accepted that time is passing by quicker than ever, and it will continue to do so as it takes you into the higher vibrations. It is all part of the unavoidable changes that are taking place, that are necessary to bring the New Age into being. With it comes a welcome change for the population of Earth, who are being affected in such a way that they are moving into a new level where there is less negativity. This will continue until the lower vibrations can no longer exist, and peace will have settled upon Earth. There is no way that the onward progress can be halted by the dark Ones, as it has been decreed by the higher forces that control your destiny. Whilst you have freewill there are also dictates that shape your future in accordance with the Plan for Man.
- Aug 16 Sat 2014 15:19
【SaLuSa】2014-8-15 清理期的最後階段
We are continually working to minimise the effects of attempts by the dark Ones to greatly eliminate your population. It has been part of their long term plan, and their ways of doing so are by the introduction of disease and other methods by which they can slowly reduce your numbers. However, for a long period of time we have used our ability and superior knowledge to combat them. So you will understand Dear Ones, that we are preventing a catastrophe thereby allowing you to continue your good work in spreading the Light. So do not be fearful of the dark Ones as their powers are now very limited, as for karmic reasons we must allow them to exercise a certain amount of freewill. Be assured that whatever adverse actions are happening in your world, it is only the final period in which karma is being played out. What appears outwardly tends to create a more fearful situation than actually exists, whereas they will be short lived and continually monitored by us. Always bear in mind that in the not too distant future, you will rise up and enjoy total peace and be free from the attention of the dark Ones.
- Aug 09 Sat 2014 14:12
【SaLuSa】2014-8-8 事情的發展與意圖的一樣 - 新時代正逐漸展開
Matters are progressing as intended, and we can assure you that you will not have to wait much longer before it will be readily apparent that major changes are approaching. The word has been given that there will be no further interference allowed to the plan for your release from the dark Ones. Their path has been ordained and soon their power will be so diminished that their destiny will be quite different to their plans. Certainly some individuals still wield sufficient power to be obstructive but they act under certain limitations. They will not be allowed to alter the course of mankind』s march towards the New Age and the freedom that accompanies it.
- Aug 03 Sun 2014 00:04
【SaLuSa】2014-8-1 轉變正迅速的發生著
For you life seems to move slowly and every moment is imprinted upon your mind, yet in reality the changes are swiftly taking place. There has never been a time when so much is happening so quickly. You are speeding along towards remarkable changes and nothing will be able to hold them back. The mould has been set for a swift change to all that is needed to bring the long awaited New Age into being. You are part of a complex plan to allow the dark Ones the responsibility to be the cause of their own demise. In their arrogance they believe that they are the masters of their future, but overlook the dictates of Heaven. You have an expression about giving someone 「enough rope to hang themselves」 and this is the position the Dark Ones are in. Their destiny is sealed and they cannot buy their way out of it.
- Jul 12 Sat 2014 16:00
【SaLuSa】2014-7-11 把精神聚焦在光之力量上你就能夠保護好自己
We detect a new mood amongst many of you, indeed a welcome one that indicates that you have moved beyond the stage of disappointment that you felt after the end of 2012. Situations such as you have experienced are largely the result of them being very fluid, and with the best will we cannot always predict how things will turn out. You may however be assured that whatever we do is in the best interests of everyone. It is the bigger picture that is important and from your perspective, you cannot really see it all. God has decreed that all shall go ahead as planned, and it is therefore a 「fete accompli」. So we ask you to accept that we are wholly committed to bringing the truth into being, and helping you advance as quickly as possible into the New Age. What has been ordained by God must come into being, and no matter what takes place to prevent it, it will not and cannot succeed.
- Jul 05 Sat 2014 15:17
【SaLuSa】2014-7-4 所有為這次轉變而準備好自己的靈魂會繼續前行
Even those of you who are aware of time moving quicker are surprised that it appears to be going faster than ever. This in itself is a clear signal that changes are continuing to rapidly take place that will lead you further into the New Age. So do not doubt for one moment that they are setting up a scenario that will see the end of the old Age. There are signs for all to see but unfortunately very few are aware of them or their significance. In general terms what might be noticed is that the old style leadership is changing. No longer are those simply out for personal power and wealth able to fool people so easily. Instead those with a more moderate approach and with honest policies are being accepted, and they came into this period of time specifically to lead you forwards to your intended destiny. The Third Dimension as you understand it is rising up in vibration and will carry those who are ready with it. You have deservedly been given this opportunity to leave the lower vibrations for the higher ones.
- Jun 21 Sat 2014 15:10
【SaLuSa】2014-6-20 你們意識的層次還在擴展
I greet you again and note that so many more of you are awakening to the increase in vibrations. They are gradually introducing you to the new levels that are being established as you enter deeper into the Photon Belt. The result is that you are experiencing heightened senses of what is going on around you, and beginning to understand the Oneness in which you exist. Gone are the times when you felt alone and isolated, and now you can appreciate and feel the higher energies that are very uplifting. Furthermore, your levels of consciousness are expanding, and with it comes a greater understanding of higher levels of existence. You are lifting up and being carried along by the higher vibrations, and those souls who have progressed at a slower rate are finding it hard to keep up. However, as we have intimated previously, there will be a dividing of the ways and that will place souls at a level that suits them to enable the continuing progress of their evolution.
- Jun 15 Sun 2014 13:18
【SaLuSa】2014-6-13 靈魂經由個人的體驗而發展/成長,所有人都會在合適的時機畢業
We come to assure you that all proceeds well, but for reasons of security we cannot always reveal what is taking place. As we have done for some considerable time we work mainly in the background, to fulfil our responsibilities to ensure that the Light spreads as intended. This means that we closely monitor the activities of the dark Ones, so as to ensure that their activities are not allowed to interfere with the positive changes that are taking place. At present your world is going through a testing period of changes that are going to see an end of the dominance of the dark Ones. Some are taking place on a level that is obvious to you, but they also occur out of your sight and without your knowledge. Since time immemorial we have accompanied you through your travels, although we have never interfered with your freewill decisions. We do however use our influence to keep you on the Path of Light, as the end times are to release you from the dictates of the dark Ones.
- Jun 07 Sat 2014 16:07
【SaLuSa】2014-6-6 這是一次週期循環的結束,另一個新時代的開端
Time such as you experience it is an illusion, but necessary for you to progress within the limitations of the Third Dimension. Nevertheless, you are beginning to sense that greater opportunities exist beyond its confines. Indeed, you are stepping into the higher vibrations, and providing you are refining yours you will remain on the path to them. Such progress is inevitable as it is time to leave the old vibrations behind with those souls who remain within them by choice. We have told you before and repeat again that it is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a New Age. At such times great changes occur that unavoidably result in chaos before settling down, but out of them will come that lasting peace that every soul seeks.
- May 31 Sat 2014 12:18
【SaLuSa】2014-5-30 當新的消息出現時請務必仔細判讀,因為有時候它們根本就是虛假的
We observe what you call the 「hotspots」 of negative energy brought about by the confrontation of groups that have different aims in life. Some choose to impose them on others with the result that clashes take place that often lead to a serious outcome. These are yet further lessons for all concerned until they realise that differences must be settled through peaceful negotiations, and are the only way forward. Man has almost always sought to settle differences through the use of threats or violence to gain his own way. The message that peaceful negotiations are the only way to achieve a peaceful settlement is just beginning to be accepted, and the people are leading the way.
- May 24 Sat 2014 14:36
【SaLuSa】2014-5-23 正面的影響將揭示低級能量的真面目
As we are aware of the wider picture we can assure you that good progress is being made, helped by the fact that the dark Ones are no longer able to do just as they wish. Their plan for total world control is no longer possible yet they blindly continue to press on without any possible chance of success. Our allies continue to join forces and their power is growing faster than ever before. For our part we observe what is taking place so as to ensure that progress is made without interference. Many of you are intuitively following the plan for your successful future, which shall eventually remove any influence or presence that is not in accordance with the Light. The time is coming that will reflect your desires for freedom from the dark energies. When the critical point is reached in the twinkling of an eye you will be uplifted into the higher vibrations, totally free from the lower energies. So rest assured that regardless of events that are taking place around you, in the greater picture all proceeds well.
- May 18 Sun 2014 12:49
【SaLuSa】2014-5-16 每個靈魂都將獲得足夠的機會提升自己
The levels of consciousness are steadily increasing and already we note the beneficial changes that are taking place, and so it shall continue as you are carried into levels that will signal the arrival of the higher dimension. At this stage there is no going back to the old ways, although there are those who are reluctant to let go. However, all souls will get every opportunity to rise up and those that are not ready will carry on their evolution at a suitable level. Meantime those of you that are aware of the changes and are taking them into yourselves, are helping ground them upon Earth. We will ensure that there is no interference with your progress, and are doing all we can to ensure you are protected against those who would interfere with it. Providing you continue to go forward with a positive approach no one will be able to prevent you from successfully raising your vibrations.
- May 10 Sat 2014 12:35
【SaLuSa】2014-5-9 這是一段奇妙無比的時刻
There are many ways that you can assist the desire to bring permanent peace to the world. As individuals you can spread your Light wherever you go, by focussing on all that is pure and wholesome. You can also send out your healing energies and love to uplift those who are in need of help. Your ability to do so goes far beyond your understanding, requiring immense faith on your part. Like attracts like and it is for this reason that healers present a monumental power for good. At this time the Earth is in need of immense healing to help the process to go forward, and it comes from many sources many of which are off Earth. Whilst the Earth may be of an insignificant size compared to other planets in your Solar System, you can be assured that in your Universe it holds the centre spot. It is because of its importance to the evolution of the Human Race that is due to evolve beyond the third dimension. If it does not it will affect and delay the progress of souls who exist in the higher ones. So as you can see, this stage in Human evolution is so important to the progress of other souls.
- May 03 Sat 2014 13:36
【SaLuSa】2014-5-2 光明與黑暗之間已出現清晰的分離
We come with good news at a time when most countries are experiencing change or uncertainty. The Light and dark are clearly separating as the vibrations are being lifted, and it is the Light that is lifting up more speedily than anytime previously. This will ultimately lead to a complete separation as the Light moves into a higher dimension. An indication of the changes is already apparent in some countries, where populations are experiencing a certain calmness and rising above the lower vibrations. Whereas in the past they have resulted in a more aggressive and violent response to problems encountered. Now there is a notable change in attitude where more people are looking for peaceful settlements, and are sufficiently influential to achieve them. This will continue to be the response where circumstances exist that could lead to confrontation. The warmongers are still intent on resolving issues their way, but now the pendulum swings to more peaceful solutions that cannot be ignored.
- Apr 27 Sun 2014 13:32
【SaLuSa】2014-4-25 轉變
Although matters on Earth are still in a state of change, the outcome will not lead to worse situations. We are thinking primarily of the confrontation taking place in the Ukraine. Not so many years ago it would most likely have lead to a state of war . Due to the change in consciousness levels and the higher vibrations reaching you, solutions are sought that focus on a peaceful conclusion. Peace will soon come to Earth and you will be able to focus on rebuilding peaceful relations between countries. Over a period of time most countries have become a mix of different races and cultures, and it is already greatly helping your civilisation to live in peace and harmony.
- Mar 15 Sat 2014 14:46
【SaLuSa】2014-3-14 改變正在你們整個星球發生著,它會繼續下去直到新世紀到來
Dear Ones you are being pulled this way and that way until you get quite frustrated or confused. The reason is that so much is happening all at once, and in your position you find it difficult to know where it is leading. Stay focussed on your own position and path and keep spreading the Light, as it is needed more than ever. So many people are confused and worried about the future, and that is not surprising when so much is changing. These times also give the dark Ones and their cohort』s opportunities to add to the confusion, as they will soon have to admit that their time is up. Indeed, they will find that they are losing their power and influence. It is all part of the changes that are taking place all over your planet, which will continue until the New Age really takes hold.
- Mar 02 Sun 2014 14:15
【SaLuSa】2014-2-28 混亂是改變的前奏,特別的事件即將發生
Dear Ones, we come with good news to inform you that the dedicated work you have put in, is about to bring the rewards that you have deservedly earnt. Our combined efforts have brought about a speeding up of the necessary work needed to bring about a notable stage in the progress required to bring the changes about. Your efforts have brought about a review of the progress made, and the decision was taken to rapidly move ahead. It means that specific events will occur that you will become aware of that will clearly reveal the commencement of another stage leading to "The Event". Within a relatively short period you will be given irrefutable proof of the advances being made, but do not expect them to be broadcast by the main media. The dark Ones will suppress the truth and will do anything to stop progress, and that means you may have to search around to find evidence of what is happening.