目前分類:SaLuSa (78)

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Turmoil continues upon your Earth,yet at the same time the Light is continuing to increase adding strength to those who are spreading the Light.We cannot yet predict when it will become the dominant force,but that time is fast approaching.With the ever increasing levels of Light there can be no other outcome,and it is noticeable that more people than ever are ready to actively show their support for the Light Workers.As time progresses there will be a coming together of many more people,and their work will help to hasten the true beginning of Ascension.We encourage you to remain safely within your Light,and to not get directly involved in vendettas against the dark Ones.They will meet an end dictated by their actions against Humanity over Millennia of time.They have set the path in motion that leads to their demise,and an end to their actions against those of the Light.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle,except the highest authority.Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fulfil them.You may therefore proceed with your life,knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones.They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place,as they will have their power taken away from them.They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As events on Earth become more disturbing for you,so the Light is progressing more quickly towards its goal of bringing an end to the interference of the dark Ones.They have held the power for many centuries,and embarked on their plan to reduce the population of Earth to a manageable size.This they have partly achieved by keeping Man in virtually a continual state of war.Although they believe that they are achieving their aims,it is beginning to dawn on them that they can no longer control events on Earth.By now they would have drawn most countries into another global war,but through our actions have been unable to do so.Their ambition to bring about a Third World War has been prevented,and we are limiting their ability to delay the coming changes that will signal the true beginning of the New Age.From our position we see matters as progressing very well and the coming of the long awaited advancements that will truly indicate that the New Age has arrived.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It has taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution,but we observe a new energy rising that is taking hold on Earth that is bringing co-operation and peace.After years of wars and confrontation,the new energies are awakening people to the peaceful pursuit of ways to bring about a harmonious co-existence between all people.Now when war threatens there are still those that respond in a like way,yet at the same time many,many more pursue peaceful solutions.We will certainly do what we can to influence and aid those who seek peace and a total end to war and find a peaceful solution.The voices of those who are tired of death and the waste of your Earth"s resources through aggressive behaviour,are gaining power and influence that will lead the way to peaceful co-operation and statesmanship.It will take time to persuade some people that war only benefits the few who have invested very heavily in it.However,time will bring forth many truths and reveal those who are its beneficiaries.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are signs all around you that indicate the period of immense change that you are passing through,and old problems that have beset you for millennia of time are coming to a head.Mankind is being confronted with conditions that are becoming intolerable,and they will continue until you are forced to deal with them.Peaceful solutions can be found,but it requires the will of those that lead you to seek more acceptable and lasting solutions.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We hear many of you question why time seems to be going so much faster.It is simply that the speed of the vibrations is increasing,whilst at the same time the vibrations are lifting you up out of the lower vibrations.It will continue until you are completely lifted up into the 4th.Dimension,to no longer be assailed by the lower vibrations The coming City of Light,that is also part of the new dimension is just one many manifestations that are lined up to appear this year.That it already appears to have been delayed should not concern you as it due to appear very shortly.We know that humans are impatient but you are so near to seeing the City of Light we ask you to have patience.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We come to you for the last time this year,one that like others before it has sped by as time continues to flow faster than ever.Some of whom have experienced the ups and downs of life for a long time,are no doubt pleased particularly now that the end of this cycle is here.Naturally the end times are chaotic as the changes take place,but it is no easy task to bring them in when so much negativity is being cleared.However,the higher energies are bringing in the positive changes,and already they are being felt.As we have often advised you,the coming year will be notable for the implementation of many of them although we will be restricted in what we do,until the Illuminati are placed where they can no longer interfere with your progress.Much is happening that will lead to complete victory over the dark Ones,who will be unable to follow their plan for the imprisonment of Man.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What exciting prospects lie ahead because you can rightly look forward to some revealing times,and positive indications that the long awaited changes are coming to fruition. We appreciate the reasons for your caution,and feel sure that given time you will have no doubt that you are leaving the old Age cycle behind. It has run its course and there is no way back for those of the dark forces who have supported it. Naturally there will still be obstacles to overcome,but their ability to maintain it has been sorely diminished. You can expect them to try and prevent the news becoming widespread,but it is of such importance that we will not allow it to be stopped or interfered with. There may be minor problems,but you may be assured that a wonderful future is assured.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Time marches on and you are now able to adapt to the faster pace it is running at,and still carry out the tasks that you have set yourselves. In the future you will find that it runs even faster and that you will go along with the changes. All that is happening is a part of the process that is going to propel you into the New Age. However,your re-action is often one of confusion as so much is happening at any one time. Providing you keep focussed on what you know to be the purpose of them,you will see within a pattern that will slowly emerge. It will indicate the direction in which you are going and take you along the pathway to the New Age. Nothing can now stop the progress that is being made,and it will bring success in lifting you up out of the lower vibrations.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many things happening within the levels of authority that control your day to day lives,and these are changes that are largely brought about by the ever changing vibrations. They are eventually going to lift you out of the lower ones that are no longer appropriate for the New Age that has now commenced. They must change or disappear from your level of existence that is experiencing a cleansing of all that is of the old energies. It brings about many changes and also confusion for those who are unaware of what the future holds. On the one hand it would appear that all is collapsing,but on the other hand it reveals the cleansing that is taking place. You have entered a new period in your evolution and the old ways will have to give way to the new. Before long it will become apparent that there is a plan taking shape,that will lead you into the New Age in such a way that there will be no mistaking what is taking place.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We will reiterate that nothing can change your destiny to leave the lower dimension behind,except that you lose your way and cannot lift up out of it. The opportunities to rise up are unlimited and if you are on that path you should already have made such progress,that you have established yourself in the level of vibrations that will see you safely through. You will get all the encouragement you need,and as your level of consciousness increases so you will achieve a greater understanding of what you need to do. Keep in the Light that you surround yourself with,and know that you are secure within and safeguarded from any attempt to interfere with your plan for Ascension. Allow the lower vibrations to pass you by without becoming involved in them.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, we hear the cries of those who are those who feel that they have been abandoned, and try hard to find a purpose in life. In the midst of the turmoil that is going on they are confused and unable to see a future for themselves. If only they could grasp the enormity of what is taking place they might see that major changes are underway. The New Age commenced earlier this year when the old energies started to withdraw to be replaced by the new ones coming in, meaning that for the time being they have both influenced your thinking. However, the new energies will replace the old and bring about advances and changes, that will clearly indicate the path Mankind is taking. It is realised that you are confused by events taking place, but if you stand back and take a good look at them you will see that things are changing for the better. Yes, conflicts are still taking place and peace on Earth seems miles away, yet already the futility of war is being realised. Beings with an understanding of how to bring about peaceful solutions are rising up, and their voices will be heard and taken notice of.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago. The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur. Around you the chaos is another sign of what is happening, although much of it is karmic as old problems between people and even nations are sorted out. Yes, it is an unsettling time but it is necessary as you might say, to clear out the rubbish that will have no place in the higher vibrations. Your individual role is to clear out your own 「rubbish」 to enable you to your place in the New Age, and enjoy all of the changes that will lift mankind to a higher level. If it is your desire to be part of the changes, your intent will carry you along and attract Guides who will assist you.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We are as ever closely following your progress and pleased to note that so many of you are fully engaged in preparing yourselves for the continuing rise in vibrations that are carrying you into the higher levels. As we have previously informed you, because you are raising your vibrations at a rate that will carry you forwards to the point of Ascension into the next level, it need not be seen as a separate happening. You are flowing with the increases in vibration, and slowly but surely you are creating a crystalline based body with all of the advantages that come with it. You will ascend by your own efforts and dedication to bring harmony and balance to yourself. Clearly not every soul is capable of achieving such a level, but all will eventually find their ideal and perfect level. Already many of you are in total control of what is taking place where you are concerned. We encourage you to stay completely focussed on your goal at such an important time, and do not link your energy with anything that is of a lesser vibration.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Never underestimate the powers and technologies that we have to transform your Earth in a very short period, to one more fitting to you future expectations. For example, you are almost conditioned to expect some part of Earth to be involved in wars. Around you is evidence of them that have ravaged your planet for centuries, with no obvious end to the cycles of death and destruction. Peace seems just as far away as ever it was and Man continues to waste the resources of Earth, whilst millions of your civilisation live in squalor and near starvation. Yet for all that we can bring an instant stop to war, but there has to be an acceptance of meaningful peace and intent to become as One where your future is concerned. Sometimes the only way to progress and achieve peace together, cannot come about until as a civilisation you recognise the Oneness of the Human Race. Looking at your history you are slow to learn but as you say 「you are getting there」.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are now two distinct groups of souls upon Earth, and these represent those who have opened their consciousness to the truth of their being, and those who are stuck in the lower vibrations and make little or no attempt to understand their position. Until such souls start to awaken to their true self they will continue to only believe what they see before their eyes. However, we do not condemn such souls in any way and we make allowances for those who are controlled by their ego. It is only experience that will bring about a shift in consciousness, when one starts to question the purpose of life. The truth will come to all given time, and this period upon Earth is the ideal time to bring up questions about the purpose of life. For those without some form of faith it is a very difficult time, as they question why a God of Love allows such atrocities that are taking place.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The vibrations and influences of the last cycle are destined to die away, as they are replaced by the more refined ones of the New Age. There is something of a battle taking place for supremacy between the dark and Light, but there is no contest inasmuch that the Light is destined to reign supreme. The dark are steadily losing power and no matter how much they try, they cannot overcome their demise. However, they are to be reckoned with until their power is removed. They cannot last much longer and are already losing their influence where worldly matters are concerned. It is their karma to experience defeat and the failure of their plan for global dominance. In their gross arrogance did they really imagine that God would allow them to decimate the population. They planned to reduce it dramatically to a 「manageable」 number that they could easily control. So have no fear, as that plan would never be allowed to interfere with the evolution of those of the Light.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones you have such a great potential yet to be revealed, and with careful planning you will gradually find your consciousness expanding. It is all part of your evolutionary plan and is preparing you for full consciousness. However, it is in the future and at the appropriate time you will be helped to achieve such an upliftment. Already there is an awareness of your consciousness growing, and you can take credit for such an advancement as it is you who has applied yourself to your tasks. At the moment there are souls on Earth who are at all different levels of consciousness, and it causes much friction between the different groups. You should not allow yourselves to be distracted by what is going on around you, and concentrate on your own advancement. The days of sacrificing your own development to help others are no longer necessary, as all souls now know where they are going and what is expected of them. The time has arrived when each soul must apply itself to its life plan, doing its best to achieve its goal. Be assured those who lack awareness of what it is, will be assisted to make as much progress as possible.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The stage has been set inasmuch that you are being lifted up into the levels of the higher vibrations. We will not allow progress to be prevented by the presence of the dark Ones, who still believe that they can inherit the Earth through huge advances in their technology. There are even greater powers at work that will ensure the Light always reigns supreme. The plan was laid down a very long time ago, and it is now time to advance it so that Man can step fully upon the path that leads to fulfilment. So you can disregard any signs to the contrary, and know that the new Earth is emerging. With it will come all manner of Galactic changes that shall carry you forward into the Golden Age you have been promised. You have long awaited this time and you have been chosen to be the forerunners of the New Age. Deep down you know it to be true and as the vibrations continue to lift, so your levels of consciousness will also expand. A particle of God exists in all living matter, and as such you will always inexplicably be part of God. Nothing that exists can avoid being ultimately returned to the Godhead, because you Are All One.

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