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Year 2017 will see much more presence of the Light on the surface of the planet than any of the previous years, as the presence of the non-physical Light particles from the Galactic Center has increased greatly.On the last day of 2016, there were many signs in the sky in the form of polar stratospheric clouds and other unusual cloud phenomena:

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Here is the December monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change.The transcript and the audio version are available here:

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Lynn:Hi Cobra,歡迎來到2016年最後一個月的PFC採訪。對我們來說今年是有趣的,揭示的甚至是震驚的一年。我想今天給你一個機會總結一下2016年我們作為一個行星取得的進展。

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues.We have entered the phase of the final clearing of the Yaldabaoth entity and all remaining plasma toplet bombs.

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues.The Light forces are quite successful in severing the tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity from its main body that is attached to Earth.On the other hand, clearing of the main mass of Yaldabaoth is a serious challenge and there is a severe war taking place on the plasma plane around the surface of the planet.In a desperate move, the Chimera is using military contractors to strengthen the technologies of the Veil to defend quarantine Earth from liberation:

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Now that the circus of the US elections is over, we can finally focus again on real intel.

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我們該是時候同心協力並且告訴宇宙:我們準備好了!我們在10月29日-11月1日有一個強化自由意志並且加速事件的大好機會!這三天內會出現月空(Void Of Course)。月空代表月亮接下來前進的軌道,從目前星座前往下個星座之前,沒有與其他行星形成「新的」重要相位。月空在秘法學上具有極為重要的意義:

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Compression Breakthrough Videos

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The Pleiadians are regaining territory inside our Solar System fast and have already recovered to the degree that is comparable to the situation in May 2016.The Sirian and Andromedan fleet was not affected so strongly by the events in September and early October and was able to hold their positions better.

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