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The Ganymede Portal on the largest moon of Jupiter is the most important location in our Solar System.

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Manifestation tools

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This as well means,that those who have a special role at the Event,will receive the multidimensional message,what they will have to do,in the same way.Who will have a special role at the Event ? You will.You will absolutely know what to do.You will be guided divinely through this stone in a very intense and strong way.

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The Event is a dynamic situation,a co-creation of us all,a decision on a collective level.

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The Eastern Alliance is making good progress,especially on the financial front,as the major global powers except the US join the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB):

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THE BREAKTHROUGH CONFERENCE March 21st-22nd,2015,Konstanz,Germany

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The Alliance Fleet

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You might want to listen to the March monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there:

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Rob:好的,女士先生們。現在開始又一次訪問我們的光之大使,抵抗運動的發言人Cobra將告訴我們最新的信息,我們今天也會談到很多話題。我們現在直奔主題。首先,Cobra歡迎你到來。再次感謝你來到Victory of the Light節目。

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues.What is remaining is the network of plasma implants,connected with each other through the Tunnels of set,and tied to the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs.

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Untwine:誰是Valiant Thor,他來自哪裏,現在在哪?

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As we are getting ready for the Event,we need to do the inner Reset.

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February Monthly Update,Meditation Videos and Conferences by Cobra

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Rob:Cobra,謝謝你再次到來vicotry of light節目,這次是特別版。

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Cobra Interview  

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Cobra Interview  

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We have entered a new cycle,the Chinese year of the sheep.This is the time when victory is achieved by gentleness and not by brutal force:

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