目前分類:柯博拉 (553)

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Recent false flag attacks in Paris were orchestrated by Black Nobility families behind the Jesuits as part of the occult war,to disrupt the energy grid and instill more fear.It is well known that Paris is an important energy vortex for Goddess energies,especially for Goddess Isis:

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It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long.Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process.Therefore we will meet in groups large and small,as individuals and couples,on November 21st.On that day,an important cycle will end and another one begin.This is the turning point where we can utilize our collective power of manifestation to use it as a pivot to trigger the changes we are all waiting for.Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters and subterranean beings of Light that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

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Meditation for Europe was a partial success.Although many people participated,we were far from achieving the critical mass.

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Rob:女士先生們,歡迎收聽victory of light特別版,這次Cobra每月訪問在2015年10月21日進行。世界在瞬息萬變,一如以往很高興與我的朋友,光之大使Cobra談話。歡迎Cobra來到這個節目,最近怎樣?

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There has been a recent development in Europe that needs our urgent attention.The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated again:

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Lynn:Welcome 歡迎Cobra來到我們節目第二部分。我們從最近的事情說起。

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues.Not much can be said about that now publicly.

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During the invasion of 1996,the Archons and the Chimera have put a negative barrier at the edge of the Solar System(the heliopause).All beings contained within that barrier inside the Solar System,including all surface humans,all Cabal factions,all subterranean beings(with the exception of a very few individuals),all secret space programs personnel,all Pleiadians,Sirians,Andromedans,Arcturians,Dracos,Reptilians,Zetas and all other sentient beings whatsoever were implanted with plasma implants and tied to Chimera's AI network(the Veil).Vast majority of beings who had connection with the Ascended Masters were having that connection cut.Many memories of spiritual nature were erased with electronic dissolution of memory(EDOM).Many beings who intended to release intel to the surface population were mind programmed and in many instances false intel and memories were implanted.All channelers were implanted and most their channeling connections were severely disrupted.

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Meditation for Europe was a great success.Masses of people have responded very quickly to the call and together we have managed to stabilize the energy in Europe to a great extent.It is interesting to note that response was the greatest in countries most affected with refugee crisis: Germany and Hungary.Although the source of the refugee crisis(the Cabal)has not been removed yet,our vigilance and rapid action can counteract the consequences of their actions to a great extent.

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There has been a recent development in Europe that needs our urgent attention.The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated:

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues.The Chimera still has a very small number of key Pleiadians,Sirians,Andromedans and representatives of other Light star races held as hostages deep inside their strongholds at implant stations throughout the Solar System.This hostage mechanism is a very effective tool to hold back the aforementioned star races in their progress towards the liberation of this planet.

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Rob:大家好。又請來了我們親愛的朋友,光之大使Cobra。我們將分享一些有關於行星地球解放的信息。很多事情正在發生。我要再次道歉,之前非常忙。我和Luis Maeten先生去了玻利維亞,當然還要舉行我的雪士達山會議。我們是在8月31日錄音。這是一個每月訪問但會在9月才會發佈。希望我們在9月再做另一次採訪。我要為訪問延期道歉,我知道很多人都在等待,感謝你們的耐心。我們有很多事情正在發生。事不而遲,Cobra歡迎你來到Victory of light電台節目,很高興你到來。

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Lynn:歡迎大家收聽Prepare for Change節目,我們將著手開始新一輯的Cobra訪問。這個訪問系列稱為揭露歷代記。這裏沒有人們想聽到的隨機問題和信息,卻有人們需要聽的一些包含重要信息的問題,尤其是我們正在經歷的這個過渡時期,這是給我們行星帶來奴役和控制的黑暗紀元的結束。

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Planetary Situation Update

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The secret of physical immortality is one of the deepest occult secrets of the Light forces that has never been revealed to anybody who has not reached a certain vibrational frequency,a certain inner purity and a certain degree of dedication to the Light.

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Galactic Wave of Love

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