目前分類:柯博拉 (538)

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Our Return of Light meditation has created a coherent consciousness signal across the universe that got the attention of the Cosmic Central race.

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The purpose of this update is to provide clarifications of the Bubbles of Heaven article to the surface population.

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Return of Light meditation was a huge success. Between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation, and between 300,000 and 400,000 were actually participating, so the critical mass was achieved many times over:

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THE UNKNOWN LIGHTWARRIOR(TUL):好的,Cobra,一個占星家朋友嚇壞了,當時他想評估下這次月食的高於平常數量的(aspect)面向/相位,正如你在部落客上說有20個...然後對這次月食事件進行數字命理加上占星推算時他更加驚嚇。他說今年可能是我們一直在等的那一年。在這件事上不要做個感覺論者...你是否同意今年某個時候大壩很可能最終崩潰...尤其是如果冥想參與人數比平時高的話?

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We are creating a huge momentum and there is a very real possibility that we will reach the critical mass.

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On November 10th, 1793, there was an activation of Goddess of Reason and Liberty in the Notre Dame church in Paris:

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The weekend of our Ascension conference in Sao Paulo was full of monumental changes for the planet.

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There is a lot of extremely positive activity behind the scenes, but none of that can be revealed publicly, as there needs to be absolute radio silence about current operations of the Light forces. Let me just say when there will be results, everybody will be able to experience them.

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Delta Option plan has triggered many different responses and requires a little clarification.

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The situation on the surface of the planet has reached the boiling point.

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Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.

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Increased activity in the Galactic Center continues. Galactic Light Forces have removed last remnants of the quantum signature of a huge quantum fluctuation Dyson sphere, 4 light years in diameter, that was encircling our Solar System and was hindering the Ascension process of our Solar System.

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