目前分類:本傑明·福爾福德 (471)

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Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

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Khazarian cabal purge accelerates: Marines storm CIA HQ; 

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Khazarian mob takedown: Hundreds of Saudi arrests followed by hundreds of U.S.arrests

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Purge of Khazarian mobsters intensifies as Trump is kept safe in Asia

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Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr.

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Past Presidents of Bankrupt U.S.Corporation Go on 「Beg-athon」 for Godfather Bush

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Summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un Being Negotiated as Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Start War Fail

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Cryptocurrency State of Play–Special Report from the WDS

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Suddenly MI6,Mossad,CIA,NSA,Pentagon,Yakuza and Others All Say Something Big Is Coming

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U.S.Nukes North Korea and Japan Decides to Dump PM Abe

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U.S.President Donald Trump becomes Obump with Zionist Meltdown at UN

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Donald Trump to go on November begathon to Asia

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High level and high stakes Mexican stand off continues despite 911 weather warfare attack on US

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Chances of new financial system announcement and US civil war both skyrocketing

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High level weirdness in US as Khazarian control matrix crumbles

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US military cracking downon hooligans for hire in US

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US threats to North Korea linked to bankruptcy negotiations and global reboot

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Revolution to spread to Israel Japan and Middle East this autumn

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Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

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The road to Rome leads through Mecca and Jerusalem

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