目前分類:天使 (3542)

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Dear Ones,there is an energetic foundation from which all the things you wish to experience as enlightening human beings is built upon.This foundation consists of alignment,peace,acceptance and unconditional love.If you are starting to feel out of balance or overwhelmed,it is a sign that you are out of that alignment and it is time to take a moment to get back onto that firm foundation.

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Relax and take stock.

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When you love and accept yourself you allow yourself to shine.When you shine brightly in your truth,you effortlessly attract the perfect matches to you—the ideal partner,the like-minded friends,the fulfilling job,your highest purpose and experiences.Loving and accepting yourself is like turning on your own personal beacon,and from that empowered action everything else can easily find you.

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Love.Joy.Peace.All of these are aspects of the higher dimensional energies,the exact elements your holidays are designed to celebrate and anchor.What a blessed time! We encourage you to take a moment to still yourselves and acknowledge the magic of it all and to shine with the glory that exists in you and around you.Being present allows you to embrace the true gifts of the season.

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Dear Ones,the greatest gifts you have to give are your acceptance,your encouragement,and your love.

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Try something New Today

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Be at peace

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Dear Ones,the things that you do not want that appear in your life have been created unconsciously.Many of you put incredible pressure on yourselves,now that you have a working knowledge of the Law of Attraction,to pay no attention to what you do not want.Noticing what is unwanted is very much part of the human experience.It is normal to notice what you do not want.That is not a problem.Where it becomes a problem is when your focus becomes consumed by what is unwanted.

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Consult your Inner Guide

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Dear Ones,do you know what brings you joy? What you are passionate about? What makes your heart sing? Sadly,many of you have been so consumed with duty and caring for others,that your own joyful activities have gone by the wayside.

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If you finally allow yourself to heal from wounds that were inflicted from another,it does not mean that you think what happened was okay.It simply means that you have assumed the role of loving guide and parent for yourself and have decided to choose healing over hurt.You are completely capable of creating a safe space for yourself to do so,and to release yourself from the chains of pain that bind you with another.You can celebrate the fact that you are eternally whole and can centre yourself back into that truth whenever you like.Finding your way back to embracing your divine template of wholeness and wellness allows you to take the gift of any experience and leave the rest behind,and that,Dear Ones,is freedom.

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There are always options available

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You have what it takes

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Remember,Dear Ones,that choosing a word or intention for your day is like setting your internal GPS to where you would like to go.It is an empowered process of choosing your energetic preference rather than living by reaction.As you continue to grow and evolve and step into your mastery,surrender and flow with intention will become your preferred way of navigation,so much so that you will wonder how you ever did it any other way.

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It is easy to get distracted by the busyness of the holiday season.It can be quite a demanding month for many of you,with preparations for your family celebrations,the winter solstice,the influx of Christed energies that occurs on Christmas,as well as shifting into the energies of a new year.Remember that it is through your alignment that you recharge your energetic batteries,so to speak.

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Life happens in cycles

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Explore your Options

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When you have the intention to surrender into being of highest service at the beginning of your day,an interesting thing happens.You will be embodying your divine light and alignment with Source,and thus become a transmitter of those energies everywhere you go.This means that you will be emanating energy,rather than picking up random energies from people and locations.For those of you who find yourselves highly affected by the energies of others,this is the easiest way to keep your balance and stay comfortable throughout your day,with the added bonus of bringing the light to those people and areas who may need it.It is a beautiful practice that serves all.

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Reflect and Contemplate

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Acceptance is one of the most powerful spiritual tools you can use,as it is the antidote to resistance,judgment and impatience.Faith and trust are what lead to acceptance,and once you can shift into the idea that everything is always unfolding as is divinely perfect,you will naturally begin to experience the magical elements that are created from acceptance which are peace,grace and ease.

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