目前分類:天使 (3566)

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Inspiration is a nudge from above, an opening of alignment and divine guidance, and an invitation to co-creation.It is a valuable practice to explore what inspires you and to pay close attention to moments of inspiration when they occur spontaneously.We also highly recommend surrendering into receiving your next great inspiration, for that is exactly how you find your way to the nearest new discovery that will make your soul sing.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The mind can be a wonderful tool to explore, to create, and to lead you forward with curiosity.Allowing the wisdom of the human to rise up and join with the knowing of the soul creates a balanced model of empowered forward movement that honours all parts of you.

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We invite you to ask,"What can I do today that is a true honouring of self? Can I accept that from that space I can shine my brightest light, both for myself and for others?"

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Not knowing what to do is an indicator that there is nothing you HAVE to do.It is a release from duty.It frees you up to move into the exploration of what you would like to do, create, or experience.It is a wide open space filled with the opportunity for discovery.

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Being in a space of not knowing how to proceed can be uncomfortable.The mind naturally wants to rule, yet you are in energies that require navigating through the heart.It can be helpful to ask the following questions if you find yourself in that space.

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We invite you to make the conscious decision to lead with your love and compassion today, and then at the end of the day reflect upon what was good about your day.Ending each day by celebrating your successes is an ideal vibrational space to enter the sleep state from for it creates a space of positive focus towards yourself and is a wonderful exercise to build self esteem.If you tried to lead with love and compassion and feel like you failed, we invite you to take the opportunity to give that love and compassion to yourself, and that act would be yet another thing to celebrate.

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There is a continued belief that you must arrive at a certain level of attainment in order to be of service.Because of this you put incredible pressure on yourselves to be perfect, to not make mistakes, to hurry up and get somewhere.This puts you in resistance to your own flow.

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The final stage of any experience is thanking it for its purpose or how it has served you.Think of any transaction—the last interaction is the act of saying thank you.

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One of the reasons many enlightening human beings tend to be serious and hyper vigilant about their choices is because they are simply on the planet to assist with the shift of humanity and do not wish to incur any new karma they will need to balance out later.Let us reassure you that you will not if you are approaching your choices from a space of consciousness and mindfulness.Trust in yourselves and in your own evolution.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A lot of enlightening human beings are reluctant to receive because they think there will be strings attached.If you intend to receive things directly from Source, you will be far more willing to accept how the universe wishes to deliver to you.It is your willingness to flow with the synchronicities and alignments with your faith and trust that allows you to be moved into those divine intersections.You can move out of your fear of receiving quite easily, Dear Ones, by deciding to allow the universe to love and serve you with its infinite wisdom for the highest good of all.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you are clear about how you really feel with your words and actions, you make it far easier to both give and receive because it comes from a place of truth.Your interactions are based in openness and flow rather than having underlying tones of duty and resentment.

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Resisting the flow of your own evolution amounts to insisting on wearing clothes you have outgrown that are now two sizes too small for you.

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If you love yourself as a wise parent would, you will always be able to give yourself exactly what you need.

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Many enlightening human beings struggle with procrastination.While there are many causes for procrastination, we would like to discuss a little known one today which is difficulty with shifting from one energy to another.

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Every single step of your journey is important—your successes and what you perceive to be failures—for they are all part of the beautiful unfoldment of who you are.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, abundance is not something external to you.It is a state of being based on your willingness to move with the flow of both giving and receiving with faith and trust, seeing yourself as connected to all that is, acknowledging your own divine worthiness, and honouring your own ability to expand and create.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Moving from resistance to non-resistance takes you to a neutral point.To shift to creation means you must then identify and surrender into the flow towards what your preferred essence is.The first step is to lovingly gather up the energy you were using to push against what was unwanted and then direct it into the nurturing and unfoldment of what your true preference is.All great change is done in this manner—by being willing to disengage with whatever energetic impass you may be in and then using your wisdom and clarity to navigate your way forward as an empowered co-creator of the new.~Archangel Gabriel

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