Dear Ones, what we want you to really understand is there can be great joy in not knowing what is next as you are poised to move forward into the energies of 2020 and beyond.Think of young children.They come into the body with a remembrance of how to simply be.They naturally embrace their curiosity, imaginations, and sense of wonder, which are all essential elements of creation.They embrace the full potential of each now moment.All of these are higher vibrating traits that many of you lose as you mature into adults.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Dec 31 Tue 2019 15:21
【大天使加百利】2019-12-29 擁抱每個當下時刻的全部潛能
- Dec 30 Mon 2019 17:40
【大天使加百利】2019-12-28 脫離舊的進入新的
Many of you are experiencing a space of not knowing.Not knowing what is next for you, which direction to go in, or even who you are or what brings you joy.While we understand this can be disconcerting, this is actually a very good thing and proof positive of the work you have done.
- Dec 29 Sun 2019 14:26
【大天使加百利】2019-12-27 讓你的本質和智慧來引領道路
Allowing your own essence and wisdom to lead the way is the ultimate expression of trust, both in yourself and in the universe's willingness to respond in kind.That is all that is required moving forward into the energies of a new year and a new decade to shift into living your highest, most satisfying life expression.The magic you have been seeking comes from the acceptance of your own beingness and the unfoldment that can begin from there.
- Dec 27 Fri 2019 14:37
【大天使加百利】2019-12-26 家庭經常是你需要精通的最後一塊領地
The holiday season can be stressful for many of you.Due to its hectic nature and demands(many of them self imposed) it is common for people to get out of balance.That,combined with being around family members who may still be living by old conditioning and belief systems that do not match who you are and whose presence may very quickly bring to the surface unresolved hurts,is a recipe for getting triggered and reactive.Most enlightening human beings later feel great remorse for having that response and can be quite hard on themselves,indeed.
- Dec 27 Fri 2019 14:35
【大天使加百利】2019-12-25 你的接納會讓你體驗每個階段中的喜悅
Dear Ones,what we want you to understand on this holiest of days is that your acceptance is what allows you to experience joy in every stage—in the ebb and in the flow,in the giving and in the receiving—if you are simply choosing to move with whatever is being supported as your highest expression of self.You are an essential partner in the dance of creation,and you are absolutely glorious in it all.
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 14:42
【大天使加百利】2019-12-24 展現最真實的自我
The greatest gift you can give is to show up as your most authentic self, which in turn opens the door for you to be loved right back, exactly as you are.It is that energy of acceptance that allows you to give, and receive, in ways that honour and celebrate everyone involved and creates ripples of love across the entire universe.
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 14:41
【大天使加百利】2019-12-23 一個個小改變將積累成巨大的改變
Many of you think change needs to be huge to be effective.This is simply not true.Every small incremental change you make shifts your energy to hold more of what you desire, which will then be reflected back to you externally.It shifts you out of wanting something that you perceive as separate from yourself to incorporating it as being part of your who you are, which can then be watered and grown and built upon.
- Dec 24 Tue 2019 14:12
【大天使加百利】2019-12-22 頭腦思考,心知曉
The more you trust and lead from your heart the more you will discover your biggest, most beautiful life expression because the heart takes you beyond what the mind thinks is possible.Your heart is your soul's navigation and creation centre and its specialty is connection and expansion into your highest matches and purpose.Honour where it wants to go, Dear Ones, for it is the part of you that is most qualified to lead the way.The mind thinks, the heart knows.
- Dec 24 Tue 2019 14:10
【大天使加百利】2019-12-21 跟隨你的心並擁抱你的存在
Many of you who are dedicated to your enlightenment journey fear slipping backwards.We want to reassure you that will not happen.
- Dec 22 Sun 2019 14:28
【大天使加百利】2019-12-20 用意識來檢查自己所有的信念
There are so many limitations that are commonly accepted by your society.A few of these beliefs include the model of the starving artist, or that you must suffer and pay your dues before you can be successful, that there is victimhood in being a single parent, that it is feast or famine if you are self-employed, that aging looks a certain way, that fun is frivolous, that the more selfless you are the more noble you are.You are even told you are born a sinner! All of these beliefs are only true if you believe them to be.
- Dec 20 Fri 2019 14:03
【大天使加百利】2019-12-19 信任你的靈魂
Dear Ones, as you prepare to move into the energies of 2020, we highly advise you to get comfortable with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model, which allows you to embrace the unfoldment of your highest life expression.
- Dec 20 Fri 2019 14:02
【大天使加百利】2019-12-18 開始探索未知的可能性與潛能
Dear Ones, being willing to receive beyond what you think is possible is one of the most powerful shifts you can make on your journey.It is so valuable to examine where you have put constraints on yourself or still carry limiting belief systems.
- Dec 20 Fri 2019 14:01
【大天使加百利】2019-12-17 你在內在創造的廣闊已經準備好向外表達
Many of you are feeling somewhat empty or in a state of suspended animation.That emptiness is indicative of how much releasing you have done.What do you invite in now? How do you want to express yourself now? What would you like to experience now? The expansiveness you have created internally is now ready to be expressed externally.Both are allowing you to experience the freedom of beingness your soul has been leading you towards all along.
- Dec 17 Tue 2019 14:46
【大天使加百利】2019-12-16 離開舊能量擁抱新能量
The phase you are currently in is all about shifting from doing to being, from efforting to flowing, from judging to accepting, from false power to authentic power, from the doubting of the mind to the trusting of the heart, from separation to inclusion, from conditional love to unconditional love for both yourself and others, from martyred service to joyful service that honours everyone involved.All of these shifts allow you to move forward with greater ease, comfort, and joy.
- Dec 17 Tue 2019 14:45
【大天使加百利】2019-12-15 探索的意願
Faith and trust, when combined together, are the energy that takes you into the realm of your highest potentials.They are the fuel, the bridge, and the guidance system that takes you to the discovery of the solutions and perfect matches that exist for you just beyond what you can see.Love yourselves enough to be willing to see just how big and beautiful your lives want to get, Dear Ones, for all that is standing between you and that magic is your willingness to explore the great beyond.
- Dec 15 Sun 2019 13:03
【大天使加百利】2019-12-14 現在是釋放舊的並前進到下個階段的理想時機
The time between now and your solstice is offering you a wonderful opportunity to reexamine any limiting beliefs or ways you give your power away before you step into the energies of 2020.This is a profound shift, not only into a new year but also into a brand new decade.
- Dec 15 Sun 2019 12:59
【大天使加百利】2019-12-13 跟隨你的喜悅
You have heard us and many others talk about following your joy.Why is joy so important? For several reasons.