
The information in this book is the viewpoint of a channeled entity in the sixth dimension, who has evolved beyond the Earth plane and who is working to help Earth during this critical time. Undoubtedly, it is not the only viewpoint. Just as we rarely find two scientists, professors, or theologians in total agreement, we should not expect total agreement from entities or extraterrestrials about Earth’s history and situation. History is colored by the historian, and this is no less true of the many entities who are trying help us now. These more advanced entities—nonphysical and physical alike—are still evolving, as we are, and can only provide us with their version of truth from their level of understanding. So, no version of any experience is THE TRUTH; everything is subjective.

The purpose in writing this book, I am told, is to prepare us for the many changes that will result from our discovery of celestial beings. These beings will introduce themselves to us before long, and we will be faced with integrating them into our world view. The repercussions of expanding our world view to include an interactive universe will be significant, as every area of life—philosophy, religion, science, sociology, history, psychology, medicine, law, and government—will be irrevocably changed. Although we have seen change on this planet accelerate dramatically over the last fifty years as a result of technology, this is nothing compared to what will result from meeting our celestial neighbors. Humanity is about to make one of its biggest leaps ever.

The more people who understand who these visitors are, how they have been involved with us, and what their intentions are, the easier it will be to adjust to their presence. With preparation, we are more likely to have a positive outcome to such an expansion of our worldview.

Gina Lake, Spring 1993
Gina Lake, 1993年春



This book is being written to prepare you for planetary changes, the likes of which have never been experienced in humanity’s history. The Earth has experienced polar shifts, ice ages, floods, and other climatic and cataclysmic occurrences. But never has humanity experienced anything like it is about to, as a result of the appearance of aliens on your planet.

“Aliens,” however, is a misnomer, since you are closely related to these visitors, both genetically and spiritually. The term “aliens” also doesn’t fit because it has a negative ring to it. While most of those visiting your planet are strange looking, they are not to be feared. Most have come to help you. We will tell you who these visitors are, how they intend to help you, and how they are similar to what humanity is becoming, for in many respects, they represent your future.

Information about extraterrestrial visitors is coming through channels and psychics today, most from benevolent sources. However, be aware that not all of this information is from visitors who are trying to help you. As you will learn, some visitors are trying to undermine the good works of the many benevolent visitors. These negative extraterrestrials pose no serious threat, although they would like you to think they do. We hope to expose their activities so that they don’t continue to create fear and confusion among you. They really have little power, and what they do have is quickly diminishing. Having said this, let us begin with the story of human life on your planet…











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