
One reason you are being visited by extraterrestrials is that Earth is transitioning from third to fourth density, and Earth’s people need help adjusting to fourth density, since it also means changing their vibratory rate. This will result in a world that operates at a higher level of consciousness. This shift is necessary, not only for Earth’s survival but for it to take its proper place in the universe now.

This shift from third to fourth density is coming about more quickly than it ordinarily would. This usually takes place gradually. However, this has not happened, and now the Earth has to make a leap. The results of this shift will be astounding for everyone on Earth. Those who will not be able to withstand the change of vibration will have to leave their bodies and reincarnate where the vibration is more compatible. Unless they can make the shift to a higher consciousness, they will not return to Earth in their next lifetime.

This shift in vibration, reflected in human beings as a shift in consciousness, requires chemical changes in the body, and not everyone’s body will be able to adapt. These adaptations can be eased by dietary measures, pure air and water, a peaceful environment, and meditation.

A trigger has been implanted in your DNA that will cause this consciousness shift under the right circumstances. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to make use of the changes this trigger will release or survive in a body long enough to receive help from the trigger. This trigger was engineered within your DNA as part of the human experiment that brought you into this world. It is a precious gift from your creators, the “gods” of your ancient myths and legends. Its purpose is to ensure your survival into fourth density. More about this later.

This impending shift means that a major advance in the human race is here. Never has the Earth seen a leap in consciousness like the one about to take place. Consciousness has always evolved slowly and painstakingly, as is normal throughout the physical universe. The leap of consciousness you are about to experience is an experiment; no one is entirely sure what the results will be. What is certain, however, is that this will be a remarKable time to be on Earth.

Beings have gathered from all over to witness and participate in this transition. Both observers and guides from many corners of the universe have come. The critical issue is to what degree you will destroy Earth’s environment and atmosphere before the consciousness shift takes place. A consciousness shift will not be enough if you have already set in motion irredeemable forces of destruction. Already, much damage has occurred. One thing is clear: You—or rather your children—will pay for your environmental mistakes and shortsightedness. The only question is how much. When your consciousness shifts, although you will see the error of your ways, it will be too late to avoid certain consequences.

Although we have been trying to influence your course, we and others guiding your planet will not step in to save you from yourselves unless we have to. Our combined efforts could moderate any destructiveness. But for the most part, we will let you make your choices and live with the consequences—if it doesn’t mean Earth’s extinction.










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