Walk-Ins and Star People
Many of you have already heard of Walk-ins and will not find this idea so shocking. For those who haven't, a Walk-in is another way besides reincarnation to bring someone into a body. With Walk-ins, the soul “walks in” to a body of someone ready to leave the physical plane, and begins life in that body when it is vacated. Walk-ins occur, although rarely, during near-death experiences and other serious illnesses that are followed by “miraculous” recoveries. Let us repeat that this phenomenon is rare, but less so now than in nearly any period in history.
Walk-ins have been used at other critical points in history, but this is one of the more drastic measures for rescuing planets or races. This intervention is not used casually because it is considered best to let races evolve as they will. This is a serious intervention because it brings in souls who will reshape the choices being made by the faltering race. It is considered an interference into a race's evolution, but one that will be made when extinction is an issue. That there are many Walk-ins on your planet now should tell you something about the seriousness of your situation!
Every Walk-in and Star Person has his or her own specific mission. They are not coordinated to perform one certain function on Earth. Some Walk-ins and Star People are working together on projects, but the projects are diverse. Some are working on environmental issues, some are involved in politics, some are trying to change your educational system, some are involved in the media, and many are healers.
What is true of all of them is that they are on the forefront of what they do, for they have come to change existing conditions. If you look around you, you can spot them. They are the ones pushing for change in health, education, the environment, human rights, animal rights, and other New Age areas. Walk-ins and Star People are decidedly New Age, for lack of a better term. They are all healers: healers of people, of social institutions, of political hatreds, and of all life on this Earth.
Although their method for obtaining a body is unusual, Walk-ins are not more unusual than Star People. Both are extremely diverse, as they encompass individuals from many different planets and dimensions. Consequently, much variance exists among these groups in their abilities and in their level of development. Star People and Walk-ins are anywhere from as spiritually developed as Earth's oldest souls to as developed as avatars like Jesus.
Star People and Walk-ins do not necessarily strike people as being this spiritually evolved because many haven't awakened to their true consciousness yet. Those who have are aware of how different they are. They have difficulty being accepted by ordinary people, who find them strange. This will change as the planet's consciousness changes. Thus, there are many advanced souls walking on your planet who are expressing only a fraction of their true consciousness and using only a fraction of their gifts. The times have not allowed this to be otherwise.
星際人類和接管者們並不必須要如這些在靈性上進化的人們那樣去撞擊人們的心靈,因為他們很多人還沒有醒悟於自己的真實意識。他們之中那些已經醒悟到自己是多麼與眾不同的人們,他們很難被普通人所接受,人們覺得他們很怪。但是這會隨著行星意識的改變而改變。因此,有很多高級的靈魂們正行走在你們的行星上,他們只不過正在表達他們真實意識中的一小部分,而且只是在運用他們所帶來的禮物中的一小部分而已。因為目前的時代還不允許事情能不是那樣(The times have not allowed this to be otherwise.)(譯註:我理解這句話的意思是:目前時代還沒有準備好)。
Many of you are probably wondering what being a Walk-in or a Star Person is like, and whether you are one. Star People and Walk-ins do not necessarily know who they are, although they are likely to realize this sometime. Besides having a sense of being different, most Star People and Walk-ins have unusual abilities. Some have these abilities even as children, but more often they develop when they are older, either rapidly or slowly. Many psychics and channels on your planet today are Star People or Walk-ins, with Star People being much more common.
The Star Person's or Walk-in's growing sense of being different and the development of unusual abilities eventually culminate in a sense of mission and purpose. At some point, whether or not they have heard of Star People or Walk-ins, they just know who they are and what their mission is. When they do discover that Star People and Walk-ins exist, which usually happens after searching for others like them, they feel immense relief. Fortunately, these days, plenty of information is available for those looking for explanations for their odd feelings. Most Star People and Walk-ins are naturally drawn to the New Age movement and find their answers there. The New Age movement has been aware of the phenomenon of Star People and Walk-ins for well over a decade.
Like Star People, Walk-ins are not immediately aware of where they came from or how they got here. When Walk-ins first awaken to their new life on this planet, they awaken as the person whose body they inhabit. They have all the memories and abilities of that person, but sense that they have been transformed, which is often attributed to their brush with death. This brush with death is seen as a turning point in their life. They see their old self as having ended at that point and a new self as having emerged. Most Walk-ins throughout history never realized what happened. But these times will be different, as more and more Walk-ins are introduced to this idea through books and other means. Extraterrestrials, nonphysical beings, Star People, and Walk-ins have the same goals and often work together. So, we cannot talk about the extraterrestrials' involvement with Earth, without also mentioning these other groups and how they interact.