Nonphysical and Extraterrestrial Helpers
Before going into this, it might be helpful to clarify who we are and who we mean by “nonphysical beings.” Nonphysical beings include fifth-density beings (spirit guides and others on the higher astral plane), sixth-density beings (spirit teachers and others on the causal plane, the plane beyond the astral), and seventh density beings (beings on the buddhic plane, the plane beyond the causal). We are a sixth-density entity on the mid-causal plane, where both teachers for people on Earth and guides to spirit guides can be found.
在講述這些之前,也許澄清一下我們是誰,以及我們所說的「非物質存在」又是誰,會對你們有所幫助。非物質存在包括第五密度的存在們(靈性嚮導們以及其他處於更高星光界(astral plane)的存在們)、第六密度的存在們(靈性導師們以及其他處於因果界(causal plane)的存在們),以及第七密度的存在們(處於超越因果的菩提界(buddhic plane)的存在們)。我們是一個第六密度的實體,處於因果中間界(mid-causal plane),在這裡可以找到引導地球人類的導師,以及靈性嚮導們的指導者們。
Just as spirit guides are assigned to each of you, we are assigned to watch over the work of several spirit guides. We teach them how to improve their work with people. We are particularly involved with spirit guides who are working with Star People and Walk-ins, since their work relates most to Earth's transformation. Similarly, seventh density beings oversee the work we sixth-density beings are doing.
We are working with the extraterrestrials to help them create a plan for Earth that fits the Creator's intentions for Earth. We work with them like your souls work with you in formulating a life plan before being reborn. Thus, the extraterrestrials are evolving through their interactions with you, and we help them make choices in keeping with your highest good. This is how they are learning about being “gods” to you. They evolve by interacting with you and by nurturing your civilization.
Extraterrestrials are fourth density (physical) and beyond (nonphysical). There is no difference between fifth and sixth-density extraterrestrials and fifth and sixth-density spirit guides and teachers. We only make this distinction because you experience some beings as extraterrestrial, with spacecraft and other paraphernalia (some of which they materialize), and others like us as spirits.
Like us, extraterrestrials are involved with Star People, Walk-ins, and others psychically and through intuition and dreams. Unlike us, however, extraterrestrials on occasion interact physically with people. But mostly, extraterrestrials act like spirit guides, implanting ideas into people's subconscious minds and dreams, and communicating psychically and through channeling to those who are receivers. And, like spirit guides, they accompany certain people on out-of-body visits to other planets and dimensions, where they are given knowledge and understanding useful to Earth's plan.
Few people remember these astral travels, but even if they don't, they are affected on deep levels. These travels speed up their evolution. This is why old souls, who can astral travel, evolve much more quickly than younger souls. A great deal is learned on these astral visits that applies to the traveler's personal life as well as to his or her mission on Earth.
Star People, Walk-ins, and others on Earth make pre-life agreements to help each other. So they, too, are working together. Some are conscious of working with others toward certain goals, but many help each other unconsciously and without ever meeting each other. For example, one person may publish the findings of a study someone else needs. No one is working alone. Everyone is involved with other people, spirit guides, spirit teachers, and extraterrestrials. Everyone is working together to bring about the plan for Earth, a plan in which everyone plays a part.
Many of you believe there are realms beyond the physical, but few of you have had experiences with these realms or with the beings we have described. Few of you have seen or spoken to an extraterrestrial, a spirit guide, or a spirit teacher. But even if you have never had an experience of these beings, being open to the possibility that they exist makes it more likely that you will benefit from their help. Those of you who believe extraterrestrials exist, either consciously or unconsciously, are the ones they are likely to work with, either consciously or unconsciously.