The Pleiadians, being the first visitors to Earth, were important to Earth and the events that would later occur there. Because they became terrestrial, a special bond with Earth was formed, a bond they honor to this day. The Pleiadians did not take their stint on Earth lightly for several reasons. The first is that it was more than a stint—it lasted thousands of years and changed them as a race. It marked a special period in their history, of much growth and sacrifice.
To leave Earth as they did was the ultimate sacrifice. This meant leaving the only planet that those alive had ever known as home. It meant they would have to find another planet and adapt to it, a formidable and consuming task. And it meant being adrift in space for an unknown amount of time, all the while not knowing what would become of them. This takes its toll on a race, and when this happens, it is rarely forgotten or minimized in its history. So it was with the Pleiadians. Along with their memories of Earth are the memories of hundreds of years in space in search of a new home.
One reason this was such an ordeal is that they had already adapted to Earth's environment, an environment that is unique in this corner of the universe. Finding another planet like Earth was not easy, and they were not willing to undergo more genetic adaptations. They searched until they found a planet where they could live comfortably.
While this wandering was taking place, others in this group continued to act as scouts to Earth. They relayed information about the Lyrans' progress with the developing humanoids: you. They were disheartened to hear that the Lyrans had followed through with their plans to create your species. They felt the Lyrans were playing God at your expense and not up to the task. They didn't approve of this kind of genetic engineering because they didn't think anyone living within a physical dimension was evolved enough to do this responsibly.
You could say the Pleiadians were a cautious bunch. They knew that remarkable, often painful, growth can come from being a creator, and they were not willing to expose themselves or their creations to this pain. They believed in evolving with as little pain and conflict as possible. This was one of their most deeply held beliefs, one they had upheld ever since they left the Lyran system. This belief distinguished them from the other Lyrans. It became a badge they wore proudly.
Since that time, they have learned to see things differently, which is painful for them to admit. They have learned the benefit of conflict and pain, but they are still intrepid pioneers in this area. Embedded within them still is a feeling that conflict and pain are wrong. This prevents them from being more courageously aggressive toward life. These feelings are reflected collectively as a tendency toward surrender and adaptation rather than aggression and forcefulness.
This tendency to adapt or surrender to challenges rather than push through them, they have since learned, has inhibited their evolution and resulted in stagnation. Their tendency has been to maintain existing conditions or leave and re-create them elsewhere rather than venture into the unknown. This is apparent even in their not settling on a planet until they found one like Earth. Change is not their strong suit, and this is because they have avoided conflict and pain whenever possible.
However, as we have said, this is changing. At least intellectually they now appreciate the value of conflict and pain, even though their instincts still tell them to avoid these things. This conflict between instincts and the intellect causes them fear and guilt. This is something with which the Pleiadians, as evolved as they are, are still struggling. Their feelings of fear and guilt are not the same as yours, but similar.
When we say the Pleiadians are more evolved than you, we mean two things. First, they are more intellectually developed. They use about 50% more of their brains than you. Their more highly developed right brain also makes them more intuitive, creative, and psychic than you. As you can imagine, their expanded intellectual capacity enhances their ability to survive. In fact, survival is not an issue for them. They have developed technology that supports their physical needs without damaging their resources. Consequently, everyone in their society has their basic needs met with a minimum of effort, allowing time and energy for other things.
The Pleiadians have occupations like you, but they are occupations of choice, not of necessity. Everyone is asked to give something to society. There are no restrictions or limitations on how this is done. The only criteria is that one's work contributes to society. Disputes about this are rare, since the Pleiadians have clearly defined social values and goals, another reflection of their evolvement. As your brain capacity expands, you too can look forward to expanded intellectual powers and harmonious relationships.
Your race is likely to make substantial intellectual strides over the next century, so much so that your civilization will not look the same by the end of the twenty-first century. This should not surprise you, given the changes you have seen in this century. However, those in the next will be even more profound. Even your physical appearance will change as certain mutations occur and advances are made in genetic engineering, cosmetic surgery, and medicine. Such a marked change in appearance is something your race has not experienced since its beginning and infancy.
Pleiadians also are more evolved than you spiritually, which has emotional and social ramifications as well. As a result, they are more detached from their egos and their emotions. They still have them, but they are not ruled by them but by their Higher Self. They are aligned with the aspect of themselves that knows God and they make their choices from that aspect rather than from their ego-self.
In their race, the ego has degenerated—at least this is how it seems from your perspective. What has happened to the ego in their society is similar to what has happened to the instincts in yours. The ego has become something that is useful but not that relevant. They view the ego as a remnant of their more atavistic self, which they honor but which they recognize is not their True Self. Most people, on the other hand, still believe they are their egos and only occasionally recognize the God-Self.
Because the Pleiadians have a different relationship to their egos, they have a different relationship to each other. This also affects their social systems. The ego is what pits one person against each other. When the ego is recognized for what it is, competition gives way to cooperation. Competition cannot exist when people know the truth about who they are. The Pleiadians know that everyone comes from one Source. Moreover, they have experienced that Source, so they can't help but follow the Golden Rule.
注1:關於這一點,與我看到的國外通靈昂星系人的Barbara Marciniak所寫的書的日文版一致,我記得在書一開頭昂星系人就提到了他們是流浪的民族,旅行過宇宙各個角落,最後他們的祖先到達過源頭(造物主)那裡,可是他們選擇並不是停留在源頭(造物主)那裡,而是回來。