The idea that a worldwide conspiracy exists that is both diabolical and invincible is an idea that only self-servers would cook up and only service-to-self planets have ever managed to manifest. This is one of their favorite ploys. They have used it on other planets throughout their history, and now they are using it on you. Fortunately, it rarely works because self-servers lack the organization—not to mention the numbers—to imprison races with these ideas. This plot has only been successful on service-to-self planets, not on ones that have as many servers as yours. For as difficult and ugly as life gets on your planet, Earth is a heaven compared to the hell of a service-to-self planet.
The service-to-self extraterrestrials are trying to undermine your confidence in your government and in your future. This is a clever move because there is reason to doubt your government and your future. This is what makes their work so insidious. They are saying the same thing we are—that the world is in dire straits. The major difference is in how they are saying it, what they see as the outcome, and why they are saying it. Their messages are designed to instill fear and a sense of powerlessness. They hope to shock, frighten, and paralyze you, all under the guise of trying to help and mobilize you. However, underneath their words is the clear message: “You don't have a chance.”
Fortunately, once you understand the difference in communication styles between negative and positive extraterrestrials, negative extraterrestrials are easy to spot. Do you feel frightened, shocked, and overwhelmed by the message? Do you feel it is too late, that the powers of destruction are too great? Is there a tone of dogmatism in the message? For instance, do they claim to have the truth and demand that you accept it—or else? These are all signs of service-toself.
You also can tell whether a message is from a positive or a negative source by how it makes you feel. Messages from negative extraterrestrials leave you feeling bad. Granted, you may not feel uplifted by everything we are saying, but our message as a whole is hopeful. Besides, we don't demand that you accept it. You should come away from an extraterrestrial message feeling hopeful and inspired to take positive action.
Messages from negative extraterrestrials give you no positive course to follow. They suggest you save yourself (build bomb shelters, protect your money supply, store food and water). How like self-servers to emphasize what you can do to save yourself rather than what you can do to help the world or others! Here again, this information is insidious because being prepared for food and clean water shortages (we do not foresee nuclear holocaust, as they do) is not unwise. However, to emphasize this as a course of action is to encourage you to withdraw your energy from doing something to solve your problems. This is what they want you to do. They don't want you to work together to solve the problems plaguing Earth. They want you “looking out for number one.” They know that will hasten your downfall. How ironic that they don't see how looking out for number one is causing their own downfall.
The Pleiadians and others are observing the negative extraterrestrials' tactics without interfering with them or countering them. This might seem odd to you, but they believe in allowing individuals to operate freely so that learning can take place on both sides. The negative extraterrestrials will not learn from their mistakes if they are not allowed to make them, and neither will you. In this free-will universe governed by polarities, such activities are allowed, at least for a time. The positive extraterrestrials will allow the negatives to continue as long as they don't upset their plan. As it is, they are merely causing some confusion and fear.