One of your biggest lessons during these times will be discernment. You will need to learn to tell the difference between self-servers and servers. With a little education and a general increase in intuition in the next decade, most will no longer fall prey to self-servers. This will lessen their activities on your planet and eventually lead to their withdrawal, since they will no longer find it useful to reincarnate on Earth. Self-servers evolve most quickly on service-to-self planets, where they can best learn the tricks of the trade and experience the negative consequences of their actions.
在這段時間你們將認清你們最大的課程之一。你們將需要學會分辨服務自我者和服務他人者之間的不同。在下一個十年間,會以一個小小的教育,而(讓你們)在直覺方面得到普遍的提高,大多數人將不再成為服務自我者們的犧牲品。這將會減少他們在你們星球上的活動,並且最終會導致他們的撤退,因為他們將不再認為轉世到地球上還有什麼用處。服務自我者們在服務自我的星球上進化最快,在那裡他們能最好的學習到交易的手腕(tricks of the trade),以及體驗到由他們的行為所帶來的負面的後果。
Earth has always had a service-to-self element. By playing the role of Evil on your planet, self-servers have helped Earth evolve. In personifying your Shadow—the negative within each of you—they are helping you integrate your Shadow.
地球一直都有服務自我的元素存在。通過在你們的星球上扮演邪惡的角色,服務自我者們幫助了地球得到進化。通過人格化你們的「陰影」(In personifying your Shadow)-你們每一個人內在的負面性-他們在幫助你們統合你們的「陰影」。
As Earth moves into fourth density, you will no longer need such a personification. Although the Shadow, or negativity, still exists in fourth density, it will be experienced mostly on internal levels, not acted out. As fourth-density beings, you will still feel drawn to serving yourselves at times, but you will act less frequently on these urges and less harmfully than earlier. In fourth density, you will feel less of a desire to serve yourself because you will have more of a recognition of who you are serving when you serve others—it is yourself!
The Pleiadians are a peaceful race. They will be your peace ambassadors and teachers. They will show you how a society—indeed, a world—can run smoothly while still honoring its members' differences. This is not an insignificant lesson. Much of the misery on Earth has been caused by one group trying to convince another of its point of view. People on Earth have not learned to co-exist with different points of view, yet. That is what you will be learning from the Pleiadians.
Your hierarchical attitudes are part of the problem. You act as if only one way of living and thinking is correct. Your religions are partly responsible for this. Think about how this attitude has affected your relationships. It has reinforced the ego and kept you from loving each other. Now you will learn a new way to structure your perceptions and your societies. This way is non-hierarchical and democratic. This, after all, is what the New Age is about. It is about tolerance, diversity, and equality.
How will you move from hierarchy to equality and cooperation? By changing your belief system. Your society will change as your philosophy changes, which will not be possible except through a change in consciousness. As consciousness changes, so will philosophy and so will your relationships and social structures. A New Age is near—a Golden Age. We are here to see that this transition occurs as smoothly as possible. The Pleiadians will help you form this philosophy. They are experts at creating social systems that allow diversity, tolerance, and equality.
The Pleiadians have always tried to teach you about peace, but you have not been inclined to listen. With the shift in consciousness, this will change. When it does, your world will be revolutionized. Much has been said about a world government by others, much of it controversial. What would a world government mean? Would it mean that Big Brother has come at last? Under your current consciousness, perhaps. However, that is changing. Once enough of you have shifted consciousness, the Pleiadians will help you set up a new world order that is fair, democratic, compassionate, and non-hierarchical. This is possible, and with the Pleiadians' help, probable.
注2:Big Brother原自喬治·奧威爾小說《1984》,我理解是指,在新科技(比如人體植入晶片)的幫助下,高高在上,監視一切的,觸角伸至地球每個角落的,獨裁地球政府的形象。