Their activities will not be allowed to continue for long. Soon the positive extraterrestrials will announce themselves, denounce the Greys, and help you rid yourselves of them. The Zetas will be especially useful to you in expelling the Greys. The irony is that the Zetas look like the Greys and are therefore unlikely to be trusted by you. You will have to trust someone in the times ahead, though, since you do not have the technology or understanding to face the negative extraterrestrial threat by yourselves.
For over forty years, your government's experience with extraterrestrials has been negative and threatening. Your government and others have yet to establish relations with a positive extraterrestrial. This is because the positives have not made themselves available to your government, nor will they for a while. They have a specific plan, and they are not ready to come forward yet. Let's look at what we can of this plan.
The positive extraterrestrials are not interfering with the negatives' interactions with your government because they believe it is best not to get involved yet. The positives will intervene when you are finally ready to admit that extraterrestrials exist. This point has not arrived yet. Those within your government in charge of the extraterrestrial threat are still too afraid to tell the people what is going on.
They are afraid because of the negatives' threats and because they believe it is their duty to handle the situation without arousing the public's fear. They also are afraid of what this knowledge would do to the world's economies and the global situation. There are many reasons for their remaining silent all these years. They have been hoping to contain this problem and end the threat without people ever finding out. This is not realistic, but understandable.
However, in keeping silent, they have gotten in deeper with the negative extraterrestrials, whom they now realize they can neither control nor defeat. When your government becomes genuinely concerned, the positives will step in and offer their aid. The sight of attractive, human-looking extraterrestrials will be most welcome and inspiring of trust if they can convince your government of their identity and their good intentions.
Only after relations and trust have been established between the Pleiadians and your government will the rest of the story be introduced, including the Zetas themselves. At that time, you will be taught to distinguish the Zetas from the Greys. You also will be taught how to handle the Greys and given means of protecting yourselves from them. The negatives' plot will be exposed, and they will have no more power over you. With the Zetas' help, divesting the Greys of their power will not be difficult.
The Zetas understand the Greys like no one else, since they come from the same planet and genetic stock. The Zetas know the Greys' physical and psychological weaknesses, they understand their technology, and they know how to overpower every one of their tactics. The Zetas are your best allies against the Greys. The Zetas will help you out of appreciation for your race and out of karmic duty.
Over the last forty years, the Zetas have become very involved with you emotionally, if you could use that word. They see you as a valiant and energetic race, one full of potential and promise, given the proper guidance. They believe you can make the changes within yourselves necessary to sustain human life on Earth for many more millennia.
In the meantime, the Zetas are trying to preserve your species, as well as your plants and animals, in case you take the road they did. They, too, received visitors to their planet who tried to convince them to settle their differences peacefully, but they did not listen. They were sure the solution was ridding themselves of a group they considered evil. The war they had was a war of Good versus Evil, or service-to-others versus service-to-self. The servers felt justified in doing anything to eradicate the evil on their planet—even using nuclear weapons. This was a holy war with nuclear weapons and a distortion of the service path. Had your planet had these weapons during the Crusades, you might have followed a similar course then.
Their planet was so divided between these two factions that negotiation was impossible. The standoff was similar to the Arab/Israeli standoff today, where—without compromise—the likelihood is mutual annihilation. The Zeta's experience showed that one's beliefs—even righteous ones, or especially righteous ones—can be dangerous. No moral value, or supposed moral value, is worth destroying life over. Some of you realize this; the Zetas all realize this now.
The history of the Zetas is lengthy, since their stay underground lasted thousands of years. One doesn't evolve from human-looking to the “creatures” the Zetas and Greys are now overnight, even with genetic engineering. The same is true for returning to their prior state: It will take the Zetas millennia to regain their ability to feel emotions, to reproduce, and to process food as you do. However, thousands of years is a mere in-breath in the lifetime of a species.
These two factions went underground with their differences intact. The conflict could not continue underground, however, because they were separated by rock. As a result, the two factions developed differently. The service-to-others group learned from their mistake and vowed never to use violence to overcome evil again. Ironically, by indulging themselves in the ultimate destruction—the destruction of their beloved planet—they had learned to respect life. The service-to-self group developed into a service-to-self society (the Greys) that continued to fight among themselves. They didn't learn to respect life, but power.
The lesson the Zetas learned is a major one in every humanoid race's development. They now understand that only when their lives are threatened should offensive measures be taken, and this out of respect for their own lives. If offensive measures are not employed for self-preservation, a society may become dominated by self-servers and maintained by servants, as happened in the Orion system. Rarely have people on Earth held to such a guideline. Most have either chosen offensive strategies or martyrdom, without giving due consideration to the middle path of peaceful protest and self-protection. Your nations have glorified warriors and your religions have glorified martyrs.
The Zeta servers would not have had to destroy their planet to protect their lives or uphold their freedom, although many believed they had no choice. The self-servers, as in most societies, were simply not that powerful. The self-servers led the servers to believe they had no recourse but to use their nuclear weapons. This use of deception and fear is part of service-to-self tactics everywhere. The servers believed they had no recourse because the self-servers convinced them of this. Therefore, the self-servers saw themselves as victors. They had succeeded in creating such fear that people had annihilated life on their own planet. What a victory!
You probably find it hard to follow this logic, and understandably so. You have to understand that self-servers do not see things globally. They don't see the larger picture, only their immediate goals. This is why they are dying now. Such a society can exist only so long before it collapses in on itself. They still do not consider their predicament a defeat, however. They will not admit defeat until they have completely died off.