PART II: Preparing for Contact
Part II is about how your society and how humanity as a whole might be affected when you are at last approached openly by extraterrestrials. It will provide some guidelines for discriminating and for understanding alien intelligences. What are you to believe? What can you trust? How do you protect yourselves and your interests? How might you be benefitted by such a meeting? How might you be harmed? Such a meeting will raise many questions and shake up every institution and belief system on the planet.
You need to be prepared for this meeting so that you can respond with clear thinking but, more importantly, with a clear heart. Your minds will not serve you as well as your hearts—that is, your intuition and feelings—in determining your responses and best courses of action. You will be dealing with highly intelligent but not necessarily spiritually advanced beings. Furthermore, even spiritually advanced beings may not have a thorough enough understanding of you as a species to guide or lead or even help you. You will have to proceed carefully in your interactions with extraterrestrials and not take anything at face value. You will have to “feel” your way through your interactions with them to determine for yourselves what is right or wrong for you, and what is truth or fiction.
你們需要準備這個會面,如此你們才能以清晰的思考-但是更加重要的是以一顆明晰之心(a clear heart)-來做出回答。在決定你們的回答以及最好的行動方針的時候,你們的頭腦(minds)並不會如你們的內心-也就是你們的直覺和感受-那樣對你們有用。你們將應對高度的智慧,但他們並不一定就是在靈性上進化的存有。而且,就算是在靈性上進化的存有也許也不會對作為一個種族的你們有一個足夠全面和完善的理解,而可以指導或是帶領甚至是幫助你們。在你們與地球外生命體互動的過程中,你們將不得不小心的進行,並且對任何事情都不要只看表面價值。你們將不得不通過你們和他們的互動來「感受」你們該走的道路,並且要你們自己決定:對你們來說什麼才是對的或是錯的,什麼才是真實的或是謊言。
We not only hope to save humanity some difficult lessons by raising these questions, we also hope to help you know yourselves as interplanetary beings. It is time for you to move your sights beyond your planet and begin to see yourselves as belonging not only to Earth but to a larger universe, or at least to the nearest segment of that universe. You are going to meet your neighbors soon, some of whom you will like better than others. Your cooperation and tolerance will be stretched by this, more so than ever before.
So, while you are undergoing a shift in consciousness, which will be most intense over the next decade, you will also be introduced to alien humanoids. All this happening in the midst of massive global changes will, indeed, transform the world you live in. It will be transformed, however, primarily because the events in the world and the reunion with your galactic family will jar you into changing how you organize your world and how you think.
The shift in consciousness will be part of this change—and essential to it—by supporting new choices and helping you navigate these times successfully. But the physical changes and events of these years also will be crucial in motivating you to recreate your world's structures and institutions. Without an obvious and pressing need for change, you might simply enjoy this rise in consciousness and continue to live as you always have. But because the situation in which you find yourselves is critical, you will choose to make drastic changes, which without the accompanying change of consciousness might be impossible.
So, if you find yourself cursing the natural disasters and other difficulties you encounter in this decade, please remember that they are part of the process that will bring humanity to a new era and a new world. Many of the old structures must completely disappear before the new can arise. You know how this works in your own lives: Periodically many of you undergo radical changes and recreate your lives anew. This is what the Earth is doing in this decade. And by necessity, certain structures, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs must pass away.