
Both the servers and the self-servers involved with you, incarnate and otherwise, are part of your galactic family. The self-servers are vying with the servers for control of your planet, although the servers don't see it this way. The servers are here to serve you and help you integrate the polarities on your planet. They don't wish to eliminate the extraterrestrial self-servers or the ones incarnate on Earth. They understand that Earth is serving as a place where the polarities are to be integrated.


Your galactic family has tried to integrate the positive and negative polarities in many other locations in your quadrant of the universe, but to no avail. On some planets the negative pole has prevailed, while on others the positive pole has prevailed. But none have achieved a balanced integration of the positive and the negative. This is possible and it is being attempted on Earth now. Earth may or may not succeed. We believe it will. If it doesn't, it is still unlikely to become a service-to-self planet.

Because of the servers' commitment to integration rather than dominance of one or the other pole, they have been allowing the self-servers to operate freely on Earth. For the same reason, they will also not allow the self-servers to overrun Earth. For those wondering why the servers are allowing the self-servers to harm people and stir up trouble, this is your answer. The self-servers' activities are part of your growth and, specifically, your evolution toward integration.

As you know, growth in a world of polarities is often painful. This pain can be minimized by a philosophy that reframes the painful experience, one that brings understanding to it. Pain also can often be avoided through intelligent action and informed choices. So, although your growth toward integration necessitates some pain, it need not cause great suffering. Suffering occurs when understanding is absent. We hope to provide some of the understanding you will need.

Many others also will be working to alleviate your suffering. But some, including incarnate self-servers, will be striving to create more. Self-servers enjoy creating suffering because it is evidence of their victory, their superiority. They are not ashamed of this; it is their nature to create suffering. This doesn't excuse them. The point is that individuals like this exist, and servers must realize this. Self-servers think and feel differently than servers.

This will be all the more apparent as the polarization on Earth increases. This intensification of the battle between Good and Evil, if you will, is being caused not so much by unevolved incarnate self-servers but by evolved ones. They are the ones who will really baffle you. You are already aware of some of them. Saddam Hussein is the most prominent one today, but others will come into power in this decade.

Some of the incarnate servers' biggest mistakes may come from assuming that self-servers think like they do. Servers give others the benefit of the doubt and second chances. This plays right into the self-servers' hands. They are thrilled that you are so naive and easily manipulated. Servers err on the side of acceptance, and that slack is what self-servers use to hang them.

We don't mean to sound negative. But this happens repeatedly in your world, and only by becoming aware of this will you learn to handle the self-servers. In dealing with them, you must be firm and unwavering. You must assume the worst motives and intentions, and stand up to them with every bit as much commitment to good as they have to evil.











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