We have said that a buildup of arms was necessary and that it has led to the possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of self-servers. The situation in which you find yourselves was predictable and inevitable, and one in which many other worlds before you have found themselves. This situation has intensified the polarization. The weapons you have developed allow you to play out the battle between Good and Evil on a very large and destructive scale.
我們前面說過,軍備的增加曾經是必要的,同時,軍備的增加又導致了核彈有可能落入「服務自我者」的手中。你們認識到你們自己所陷入的這種狀況是能夠被預料到的,甚至還是不可避免的,並且,在你們之前很多其他世界上的人們,也已經認識到了他們自己。(譯註:這一句翻譯的有點拿不準,原文是:The situation in which you find yourselves was predictable and inevitable, and one in which many other worlds before you have found themselves.)這種局勢已經增強了極性。你們所開發出來的這些武器,讓你們得以在一個更大的、更具破壞性的尺度之下,來玩「善」與「惡」之間的戰爭,直到玩到最後一刻為止。
This would not be so complicated if there were distinct sides. But the servers and self-servers are distributed across the globe. The self-servers are stirring up trouble wherever they are. The situation is not as simple as the good countries verses the bad countries (although during the Cold War you acted this way). War, corruption, greed, violence, and horror are all over the world. The enemy is among you, and how do you protect yourselves against that? Your arsenal of weapons is virtually useless when the enemy is both within your country and scattered throughout the countries of your allies.
Much of the confusion in the world is created by just that: Your enemies are no longer clear-cut. It was simple when you could focus on the Soviet Union and communism as the fiend, but such simplistic definitions no longer hold. The situation is further complicated by trade alliances and business interests in countries formerly considered unfriendly. One thing certain is that it is not business as usual. There is nothing usual about these times. The situation calls for a new vision: a vision of yourselves as a global society. Only then will you be able to deal with the undermining influences of the self-servers.
By unifying and organizing the world governments, you have a chance to balance (not eliminate) the evil in the world if the world government you found and its leaders are committed to service and humane values. Right now, the self-servers are having a field day because you are not taking a proactive stance toward them. You are letting them define what is happening in the world. You are responding to them instead of demanding they comply to your standards. This is what must change. The servers must be the ones defining history. They must be the ones in charge—the ones in power. We will give you an example.
When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, the United Nations mobilized to deal with him. In doing this, the United Nations became empowered, after having been a fairly ineffectual organization. However, had the United Nations been strong and had the powers in the world been less reliant on oil—a product controlled by and benefitting certain self-servers—the Gulf War might have been avoided. The lack of global organization and the infiltration of self-servers into the governments of various nations have diffused the servers' power. Servers have either not sought positions of power or not taken charge when in power as the self-servers have, but that is partly the fault of the nature of servers.
Self-servers are drawn to positions that will give them power. That is why you need an organization like the United Nations that is based on service, not power, and on consensus or democracy, not hierarchy. The servers must organize to prevent the self-servers from taking control. The United Nations' interventions in Kuwait and in Somalia are examples of the kind of interventions such an organization based on service might make. Once the world sees that such an organization is really there for the good of the whole, its power will grow.
The battle between the servers and self-servers is a battle of values. The United Nations asserts humane values and human rights. The self-servers would have an organization based on different values. Their organization would look more like an army. It would be a hierarchy, and it would operate through fear, oppression, and violence. If self-servers were not continually vying for power among themselves, such a military machine probably would already exist.
The servers are at a real advantage in being able to cooperate, which is one reason their values have predominated. Servers also are more plentiful on the planet than self-servers. So, servers are at an advantage and will continue to be. Still, they must actively confront the deteriorating world situation and take steps to remedy it. If they would unite against all who try to oppress and control others, the self-servers would have difficulty implementing their plans.