Another question to ask when trying to discern truth from fiction is whether or not the information is rational. Just because information about extraterrestrials deals with the unknown does not mean to suspend common sense in evaluating it. For instance, is it reasonable to believe, as some people claim, that the moon already was colonized by the U.S. and the Soviet Union when the U.S. landed there in 1969, or that Mars also is already colonized? Is it really possible that such secrets could be kept from the public—and why would they be? The believers say that these secret activities are part of a plot devised jointly by the negative extraterrestrials and the global conspirators. The negatives would certainly like you to believe they could pull off such a ruse.
Many who believe in extraterrestrial life, believe everything that comes their way. But believing everything is the flip side of believing nothing; neither is discriminating. Falsehoods are being perpetrated for various reasons, some for simple self-interest and others for broader goals. In your transition from planetary to interplanetary beings, you are very vulnerable to trickery. Certain extraterrestrials have come here to take advantage of this. Don't believe everything. Even if someone else you respect is totally convinced of something, decide for yourself what is true.
It should not be too hard not to believe everything when so much of the channeled information is contradictory. After reading contradictory information from various channels, you are forced to conclude that someone is wrong, or maybe everyone is. More likely, some of what every channel says is correct and some isn't, with some channels being more correct than others. So, it is not as simple as finding out which channels are right and which ones are wrong. Don't fall into the trap of concluding that a channel or a particular article or book is all true or all false. More likely there is some of both, and you must determine for yourself what is true and what is false. Remember, the self-servers are trying to confuse you so that you don't know what to believe. Therefore, they will mix their fiction and fear with truth, and they will speak in the loving terms of servers.
You cannot count on loving phrases as proof of the validity of something. The self-servers know you are vulnerable to feeling loved and valued. They sprinkle their messages with as much love as the servers, sometimes more. The difference is that they use loving words to manipulate you into trusting them, while servers convey love less through their words and more through a feeling sense that underlies the material. Beware of gushy expressions of love and phrases designed to endear you. Most highly developed servers convey their love in less direct ways.
Not only do self-servers offer a mixture of truth and falsehoods disguised in loving words, but channels often channel a mixture of information from both servers and self-servers. Self-servers are able to interfere with the servers' communications to channels under certain circumstances, particularly when the channel is tired or ill. This also happens to channels who are not operating fully in the Light because of negative thoughts and feelings. When channels are under stress, temporarily overcome with negative emotions, or living daily with negativity in their environment or mental habits, they may draw self-servers to them. Channeled material is still an important source of information.
However, and should not be discarded altogether. Servers are using channels today more than ever to bring in the new ideas needed to transform people and the global situation. New inventions and ideas, creative inspirations, spiritual understanding, and uplifting truths are coming through channels today, as they always have. But there also is more interference today from self-servers than ever before because these times are so critical.
If you are a channel or if you are interested in benefiting from channeled material, here are some suggestions for protecting yourself from negativity and falsehoods:
1.How does the material feel intuitively to you? Does it uplift and excite you or does it make you feel fearful and despairing?
2.How does the channel feel to you? Try to tune in to the channel's energy, to his or her consciousness. However, don't judge a channel by outward appearances, which can be deceiving.
3.Does the material make sense? Is it logical? Are the arguments substantive? Does one idea follow from another? Use your intellect as you would in critiquing information of any kind.
4.Pay attention to how you feel as you read or hear each sentence. Be willing to reject some of the information without rejecting all of it.
5.Raise your own vibration through meditation and commitment to service, and you will attract helpful, positive information and people: Like attracts like. If you don't want to be exposed to negative material, live in love, joy, acceptance, and peace; and avoid fear, hatred, despair, guilt, and shame. Self-servers are attracted to negativity.