
We have examined what to expect after contact is made. Now let's examine how that contact might be made by the positives. Doing this will not only prepare you, but will also help you determine who is contacting you, in the unlikely event that the negatives contact you before the positives. The plan is not set, but we can describe a few ways the positives won't contact you:

We will not disrupt the air waves and make a statement. This would be too sensational and controlling. We will not take control of anything in order to gain your attention because this sends a message of aggression and dominance. The last thing we want to do is have you feel you are being taken over. For the same reason, we will not flaunt our powers. That would only intimidate you. We don't want you to feel disempowered or frightened. That is key to our plan.

We also will not appear spectacularly on the White House lawn, for many of the same reasons. Drama and splash are not our style, but the negatives'.

We also will not approach anyone in the media without first contacting key people in your government. As much as we will use the media once contact is made, our business is with your government officials, not with the media.

You can expect us to contact the President of the United States because this is a matter of state, an official greeting on our part to your head of state. It has already been explained why the United States officials are targeted for first contact. How will this meeting with the President be arranged, if not through the media or a dramatic arrival? The Pleiadians will contact someone who can arrange a private meeting with the President. Certain strategies may be used at that time to convince that individual of the Pleiadians' extraterrestrial identity. In the meeting with the President, a means of informing the public will be agreed upon, most likely through an announcement and introduction by the President.

How will the President be convinced of the Pleiadians' identity? We have ways of proving this. And how will he be persuaded to make this announcement, rather than cover up this meeting? We will convince him. The Pleiadians also are prepared to make the announcement by some other means, perhaps through some other official. Other governments will be contacted shortly thereafter, with a similar message of peace and camaraderie.

After the initial contact is made with officials and the public, the positives will work with officials to establish a committee to help us achieve our mutual goals. We will work with you any way you wish and expect you to formulate goals as well. We don't expect or desire to dictate even the format of our interactions, but we will make suggestions. We wish to work cooperatively—jointly—with you toward solving your problems, especially the problem of peace. But how this is done will be largely up to you.

The negatives, should they approach you first, will act more dramatically and dictatorially. They may attempt to imitate us, but that is not easy for them. They don't know how to cooperate or negotiate, so this should show. They are bound to be brash, overconfident, clumsy, and insensitive to your feelings and needs. These are things to look out for.

They also are likely to opt for secrecy, rather than honest disclosure of their dealings with officials. This is another sign. Openness and honesty are watchwords of the positives. Deception is difficult in an open atmosphere. Since the negatives will be relying heavily on lies, openness works against them. They will probably have logical reasons for secrecy, but be forewarned that this is not how the positives will operate.

One final word of caution: Don't align yourselves with only one group of extraterrestrials. Just as there is safety in numbers, it is wise to remain open to all groups of extraterrestrials. By interacting with all, you will come to know the differences between the positives and the negatives. You will not be able to judge by appearances alone, especially since the negatives are likely to manipulate their appearance to ingratiate you. Each of the extraterrestrial groups has a unique perspective and unique gifts to offer you. By staying open to all of them, you will come to understand them and keep your options open.










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