
What about appearances? The subject of appearances needs to be approached by considering not only what you can tell from appearances, but what you cannot tell from appearances, as appearances can be deceiving, especially when dealing with extraterrestrials. In addition, if you are to understand your extraterrestrial relatives, you will have to consider the ways you are different from them, besides your appearance.
那麼(服務自我和服務他人的外星人)外觀上(的差異)呢?對於外觀的判斷,我們不僅要考慮能從表面看出來的(特徵),還應該考慮從表面看不出來的(特徵),因為外表往往是具有欺騙性的,特別是當我們和外星人打交道的時候。另外,想要瞭解你們的外星家人(譯註:英文是extraterrestrial relatives,指和我們有著相同淵源的外星種族),除了外觀的差異,你們(更)應該考慮他們在行為上和你們的不同。

One of your first concerns will be learning to tell the Zetas from the Greys. You will recall that they resemble each other because they originated from the same race and evolved under similar circumstances. There are some differences, however. The most obvious one is that the Greys are generally shorter than the Zetas and lighter in color. The Greys are often whitish-gray, whereas the Zetas tend to be greenish-gray and therefore a bit darker. The differences are subtle but noticeable enough when the two are side by side.

Another difference is in the eyes. The Zetas have a wateriness about their eyes, a softness and depth, like pools of deep water. They give comfort and assurance to humans through their eyes and telepathically, but the Greys do not. The Greys' eyes have a coldness and blackness to them, like the night.

The Greys do not concern themselves with human emotions, which they prefer to ignore. The Zetas, on the other hand, although they also are uneasy with human emotions, try to make humans feel comfortable according to their ideas of this. They may not always respond appropriately but they do try. Both the Greys and the Zetas are clinical and direct in their manner. But unlike the Zetas, the Greys have a total disregard for feelings.

These are the only clues we can offer, but it shouldn't take you long to learn to distinguish one from the other. Seeing them side by side may not be a common experience, but even a few opportunities like this will be very educational. The Greys will avoid the Zetas whenever possible, however.

Nevertheless, there will be times when the positives and negatives will be involved with you simultaneously. The negatives will work with the positives from time to time because they will need to, to gain your confidence. They will hope to get some of you alone later, to continue their interactions more privately to serve their own ends. The positives will allow the negatives to work with them, and leave it up to you to determine your allegiances.

As long as the negatives are part of a larger group (including positives), they cannot do much harm. But beware of them singling out people and working with them independently. They can spot people's weaknesses, and they will try to use anyone who can be corrupted. They will tempt people with power or whatever else they have a weakness for, in exchange for something they want. Since like attracts like, you will be wise to have only the most impeccable people working on projects with the extraterrestrials. This is one way to safeguard yourselves. However, the negatives will still find ways to work independently with less scrupulous types.










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