The positives, when they do have forms, have humanoid forms, not animal forms. Some of the negatives, on the other hand, like the Reptilians or “Lizzies” as they are sometimes called, resemble animals. So, any extraterrestrial in animal form is a negative, but these negatives will rarely show themselves anyway. The negatives that will show themselves to you will be either the Greys, with whom many of you and your government are already familiar and who may pass as Zetas; the Orions, as Men in Black, who will continue their various missions even after the positives contact you; and the negative Sirians, who can take any form they wish. Because of their ability to shape-shift, the negative Sirians will be the ones to watch. They are likely to imitate Pleiadians and others with whom you will form bonds.
對於正面外星人,當他們需要化身為物質體時,他們會化身為類人型實體,而不是動物型實體。相反,像被人們稱作爬蟲族(reptilians)和蜥蜴人(lizzies)這樣的負面外星人,就代表動物型(外星人)。因此,任何動物型的外星實體都是負面外星人的,但這樣的負面外星人也極少露面。那些願意露面的負面外星人,要麼是小灰人-你們許多人和政府已經非常熟悉並被認成齊塔人而允許通行(重要機構);要麼是獵戶座人-例如黑衣人,即使在正面外星人公開接觸你們後仍然會繼續從事他們的各種(黑暗)任務;要麼是負面的天狼星人-他們可以變成任何想要的形態。由於他們的改變外形的能力,負面天狼星人是真正需要你們留意的(負面外星人)。他們很可能模仿昴宿星人或者-那些與你們緊密聯繫(form bonds)的正面外星人-的外形。
The Pleiadians are very beautiful and may therefore easily win your confidence. But be careful not to be too trusting even of them because they are the ones the negatives are most likely to impersonate. You will find the positives as a whole very beautiful. Even though they may not be conventionally beautiful to you, they will evoke feelings of love within you, which are translated by you as beauty. The meaning of the expression “love is blind” will never be more obvious than when you meet your galactic comrades.
Love is something the negatives cannot fake, although they try to, at least through words and mannerisms. Your own feelings of love will be your best guide in determining who is who among extraterrestrials. However, this rule of thumb will not work for everyone, since not everyone will be open enough to feel the positives' love. They will not evoke love in everyone.
Some of the humanoids you will meet, both positive and negative, will be tall and others very small. This will challenge your usual associations about large and small. You tend to think of large as better and stronger, and small as lesser and weaker. This is certainly not true in other realms, where size and shape have nothing to do with worth or ability. Size and shape are particularly inconsequential, given that many of the beings you will meet are not bound to their forms but can change form at will.
Your idea of male and female roles also will be challenged. Genders do exist among many of the extraterrestrials, but others are either androgenous or without gender. You will find that there are many ways to procreate and that your gender roles and identities are specific to you. Each species has their own conception of gender, and the roles are set accordingly.
You will realize in meeting other species how culture-bound you are. There is nothing wrong with this; it is perfectly natural. But exposure to other species will enlarge your concept of yourselves, just as exposure to other human cultures has. What you are about to learn about yourselves, as a result, will transform you over the next few decades. Never has a generation been exposed to so much that is new. This will try you, especially those who are less open-minded or open to change. However, exposure to alien races has a potential for growth equal only to the major leap in consciousness you also will be experiencing. Is there any question that these will be important times?
You will not only have to get used to a vast array of physical differences, but emotional ones as well. Some extraterrestrials, as we have seen with the Zetas and Greys, have no emotions whatsoever. Others have different emotions altogether, while others have emotions like yours but more evolved.
It will become apparent that emotions are only a small part of the makeup of a humanoid, a very small part for some. Humans are used to identifying with their emotions. When they feel sad, they say “I am sad.” You will discover in observing other species that your emotions are only a tool that helps you function in the world, a means by which you can know your physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual needs. Emotions are useful, but they do not make the human! This insight will change your relationship to your own emotions and those of others. Some of you already know this.
You will find that although some alien races have similar emotions, they express them differently. This can be confusing, for instance, when a loud voice expresses caring or a whisper expresses disagreement. These times will demand careful, thoughtful communication if you are to understand each other on a feeling level. What you do have on your side is that most communication will be done telepathically. This will eliminate many of the ordinary misunderstandings, but not the confusion caused by differences in emotional makeup.