Star People will be working as bridges between the positives and you to help you integrate the information they give you. Highly intelligent people are needed for this and have incarnated for this purpose. As a result, there are more geniuses on Earth now than ever before, many of them working in the fields of science and mathematics. You will need them to help you learn to traverse the vast reaches of space, among other things. You have much to learn before you can travel beyond the speed of light.
The positives will not transport you through space regularly. You will not be able to rely on them for this. Rather, they will help you develop your own space technology. Although you will want to travel in your physical state on their ships, this will not be allowed immediately, except for a few individuals and then only on very short trips. Your physiology cannot withstand interdimensional space travel yet. Many of you have traveled great distances with extraterrestrials in your astral body during sleep, however. These trips will continue because it is one way you are being introduced to the universe and its occupants. Many of you also are serving others during these excursions. You will be shown much of the technology on their ships, but it will take you years before you begin to understand what you have seen.
Genetics is another area in which you will receive extensive help from the positives. Many of your illnesses can be solved by learning to alter genetic information. This is a simple procedure to them, which they will teach you. They may do this in exchange for certain agreements from you. They are most concerned about your living peaceably with each other and eliminating your nuclear weapons. They can make a strong case for dismantling your nuclear weapons, since they can help you achieve whatever you might otherwise achieve through wars and threats. If you are fighting over food or water, for example, they can show you how to produce more food or purify your water. But their condition for helping you will be that you learn to get along.
If the negotiating chip is peace, then you can be sure you are dealing with the positives. The negatives want to see the opposite and will try to inflame your hatreds and disagreements. They may pretend to be giving you a solution to a disease, while actually creating a new one. They, too, will be very interested in genetics experiments. However, you will be the victims, not the beneficiaries. Genetics will be an area you will have to watch closely.
The positives' other agenda is the environment. They will help you create clean energy sources, dispose of toxic waste, manufacture biodegradable materials, improve your agricultural practices, and purify your air and water. They may ask for certain concessions before helping you with these things, particularly peace.
The negatives also may offer you help with the environment, but they will not offer real solutions and they will make demands other than that you live peacefully. They will probably want laboratory space or permission to perform genetic experiments or something else that will serve them, not you. Pay attention to motives. The positives will not be looking for anything for themselves. What they do ask you for will be for the good of the whole. Even the Zetas can carry out their genetics projects without any major concessions from you. They already have Star People and others willingly helping them with their experiments.
Of all the differences between you and the extraterrestrials, the physical ones are bound to be the hardest to adjust to. To prepare you for a face-to-face encounter with the many strange-looking extraterrestrials you are to meet, you will be given an audio-visual recording of each of the extraterrestrial groups involved with Earth. An ambassador of each group will address you on behalf of the others and explain the background, purpose, and role of that particular group in regard to Earth. Eventually, many of them will be walking on your Earth and interacting with you daily. To prepare you for this eventuality, you will meet them first on video.
The first phase of this introduction is already being accomplished through movies and television programs like Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, depicting alien beings and human beings working together, not just as adversaries. These shows are no accident.
You will be introduced to a wide variety of beings, so wide that you will become quite used to strange-looking beings. Your eyes will become accustomed to this diversity and you will no longer even think in terms of “strangeness.” The attitude to cultivate during this transition is one of open curiosity, innocence, and a determination to look beyond appearances.
Certainly how you see each other and how you evaluate beauty will also be affected. Eventually, you will drop your categories of beautiful and ugly. This may be inconceivable to you now, but it will happen. First your concept of physical beauty will change, then it will disappear. The idea of judging someone by appearances will become ludicrous and unimaginable—but that will be a few centuries from now. Until then, you will struggle with your old ideas of beauty until you finally give them up.
Your encounter with extraterrestrials will require you to give up many of your ideas, and it will bring many new ones into your awareness. It will be impossible to live by the old ideas, which will be antiquated. You will eventually find your way through this morass of change to a new world of greater love and acceptance. These are exciting times ahead, full of wonder and change.