Beloved Ones,
Those who are able to move beyond the current distractions come together in focus for a world of peace. This energy is being magnified and multiplied by the higher dimensions, for as given before, wherever two or more are gathered there also is the Christ consciousness. The forces of light and love take great delight in joining with the individuals who take part in a worldwide focus to bring in the highest outcome for the Earth and all of humanity. By the efforts of these combined forces of light, many positive and benevolent changes take place in the world. It is a sacred and holy work that is performed with love and reverence by those who heed the call. Lighted souls the world over turn within to offer their deepest and most heartfelt desires to the Creator of All That Is in faith and trust and a deeper understanding that they are each a divine spark of the divine manifesting upon the Earth.
They turn then to contemplate the beauty of the world around them and celebrate the wonders of nature, the incredible sunrise and sunset, the myriads of tiny creatures that surround them, each unique and incredible in their exquisite detail. They drink in the colors of the flowers and notice how each petal seems to radiate light from within. They connect to the trees and listen to their timeless messages of fellowship, nurturance and support. They begin to realize that life thrives on their planet and it is all connected to All That Is and that they also are a innate part of it. They sense that each moment they spend contemplating and admiring the wonders of the world they live on is an endorsement and an acknowledgment of gratitude for the abundance that was created for their enjoyment. It is in this way, they realize, that the universe responds by bringing them more of that which fills their hearts with joy.
Peace in the world is created one consciousness at a time and when this consciousness within each person understands that by giving homage to all that is good in their lives, even if that does not seem much to other eyes, it keeps the flow of grace, benevolence and positive energy as a constant underlying force at work in their lives. The door to higher consciousness, to ascension, lies in the constant and continual feelings of sublime states of joy, bliss and gratitude. Practicing and feeling these states connects people to the higher realms of perception and once these higher realms are realized within, going back to the old ways cannot even be contemplated.
The task then is to strive to achieve these states of being and feeling. To learn to recognize old thoughts that rise up seemingly out of nowhere, to observe oneself having these thoughts rise up, and to see that it is old energy no longer of use in one』s life and to just let it go without engaging that old energy by attaching it to something current in one』s life. To quickly replace that old thought with an empowering new one. As this is practiced, it becomes easier and easier to stay in the sublime states of joy and bliss which automatically generates feelings of gratitude. The more people that begin to embody these states of being, the more the world and the people around them respond to them with corresponding benevolent energy. When each person begins to honor their sister and their brother as they honor themselves, peace is a natural and graceful outcome.
It is those whose hearts are peaceful in the face of the greatest challenges who create a better world for themselves and for others. It is those who understand that by letting go of resentment, anger and the need for revenge are those who uphold and uplift everyone and everything within their entire sphere of influence. You have but to look at history on your world to recognize those brilliant shining lights, those people who stood in their light, in their continued faith and belief in upholding the divine concepts of peace, forgiveness and unity with the utmost courage and persistence in the face of danger and to understand that you too, can be one of them. Stand strong and firm in the oneness of the divine and all will be well.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒
感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE