
You are about to become active members of the Confederation. You have always belonged, but you haven't had an ambassador. The Confederation is a group of individuals from various planets in this quadrant of the universe who monitor the activities on those planets. They are similar to the individuals on “Star Trek's” Starship Enterprise. This television program is not as farfetched as you might think. It is as natural to have a group policing an area of the universe as an area of the globe. And like the television program, the Confederation does not use force or violence or interfere unnecessarily in the affairs of the planets in their jurisdiction.

How did a television show come to reflect reality so closely? This is just one example of how you are being prepared to discover your interplanetary birthright. Confederation members and others are preparing you for this by planting creative seeds in the subconscious minds of television writers and others. This is done as a matter of course by spirit guides and others guiding your planet. The same thing is happening to your guides: They are being guided by others more evolved than they are. This is just how the universe works. It is a hierarchy, but a benevolent one that operates primarily for service.

You are being prepared to meet extraterrestrials in many other ways as well. Many science fiction writers, channels, and abductees have written about their experiences with extraterrestrials. And groups of Star People and Walk-ins have united to wake people up and tell them of Earth's interplanetary role.

You are being prepared less obviously as well, particularly through your dreams. Many of you have been visiting other planets in your astral body while you sleep. Artists have painted what they have seen during their nocturnal journeys, and musicians have reproduced the music of these realms. On some level, you remember these visits and will be able sometime to recall at least the joy and wonder you have felt on these travels. Your experiences on these flights are beautiful, joyful, and expansive. So, on a deep level, you already know yourself as an interplanetary being.

During sleep, many of you also go to what amounts to lecture halls, where you are taught the mysteries of the universe. Some of this information remains on the tip of your consciousness. When it is triggered by artists, musicians, science fiction writers, channels, and others, you resonate with it. You may even express this knowledge in your own poems, short stories, movies, musical compositions, and drawings. There are many signs all around you of your interplanetary heritage because many are bearing witness to this now.

You are approaching one of the most important events a planet ever faces: a meeting with your creators. Throughout the universe, planets like yours have been seeded, nurtured, and then left to develop. Then, sometime in their evolution, the creators introduce themselves. That time is fast approaching for you. You are going to meet your creators because they are about to take you to the next step: fourth density. This is always a momentous step in humanoid evolution.

That is why you are being visited now. So, let's look at what this means to you and your planet to be moving into fourth density.

How do third-density bodies make this transition to fourth density? Some people won't be able to make the transition without dying and some will. Those who cannot handle the vibrations of fourth density won't be able to remain in that body when Earth shifts to fourth density.

Earth is shifting gradually rather than instantly, although not as gradually as usual. This will allow many of you to adjust to the higher vibration of energy infusing your planet. Those of you who can incorporate this energy into your body and raise its vibration may not have to shed your body when Earth moves into fourth density.

Those of you who cannot raise your vibration will have to leave Earth when its vibrations are no longer compatible with yours. For some, this will mean dying at the normal time. For others, it will mean leaving the body prematurely through any number of means, such as natural disasters, diseases like AIDS and cancer, epidemics, or famine. Be careful not to assume that those leaving these ways are not good enough to remain. Such judgments will only set you back in your evolution.

Only a small number of people will make the transition to fourth density with their bodies intact. Others will still be able to return to Earth, but only after they die first. This is because, despite a consciousness compatible with fourth density, their bodies may be too damaged or contaminated with toxins for their cells to transmute. So, a person's consciousness may be beyond the consciousness of his or her body. When this happens, the body has to be shed and a new one taken on before going on to fourth density.

Because of the difficulty of transitioning from third to fourth density in the same body, many will be leaving the planet in the next decade. Although this is tragic for those they leave behind, it is not tragic for their souls. They will be freed to go on to either another third-density planet or return to Earth later. The next decade will be a time for remembering and affirming your immortality, for anyone who clings to life too dearly will suffer. Death is just a transition, and a welcome one for many.

You will have to redesign your spiritual beliefs if you are to use the trials ahead as a springboard to higher consciousness rather than a cause to be bitter. What you believe will be exceedingly important during these times. Spiritual teachers who can help people see tragedy from a higher perspective will be in demand. As a result, reincarnation will finally be accepted across the globe.
你們必須重新設計自己的靈魂信仰,才可能將不遠未來的「審判」(譯註:原文the trials,並非末日審判或基督審判的意思,這裡的trial更傾向於一種試驗和磨練)看做一個通向更高覺知的跳板,而不是看做痛苦的來源。你們的信仰在這些時期中是極其重要的。這需要靈性導師來幫助人們以更高視角來看待悲劇。從而讓靈魂轉世(的說法)被全世界廣泛接受。











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