During times of accelerated energies,it can be confusing as to why some people seem to thrive,and others seem to struggle.Shouldn"t the energies be having the same effect on everyone? How can people have such different experiences in the same energy? If you understand that all movement is forward movement,it will begin to make perfect sense to you.
The people who are thriving in fast moving energies,are those who are non-resistant to their healing journey.They have likely already gone through their own dark night of the soul,which has facilitated their growth,expansion,and desire to step onto their own enlightenment path.The energy serves as an amplification of the energy they are already holding,and supports the unfoldment of what they have been working on consciously creating for themselves.
Those who may be struggling in the energies are also moving rapidly forward on their paths.It may be that they have been stuck in old patterns or habits,or living unconsciously.Rest assured,no matter how painful their experiences may seem,they serve the purpose of racing them headlong to the energetic bottom their soul requires for them to embrace change.When it becomes too painful to stay the same,a person will then surrender and their healing journey will begin in earnest.
It is never,ever about punishment! Fast energies only serve to magnify the path you have been on,and will give you very rapid clarity to continue to choose what you have been doing,or to rethink your approach and choose differently.No matter how you look at it,each soul is completely wise and competent in all of its choices,and unconditionally loved and supported through it all.From this perspective,you can see how each soul,regardless of where they are at,is doing a magnificent job of giving themselves exactly what they need.~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan