The Stirring
Big changes are afoot,my child! Brace yourself,buckle up,batten down the hatches,and tie it down if you choose not to lose it…but,it will be happening. If you have been experiencing the slightly uncomfortable stirring in your core,this is a signal from The Universe that it is about to begin! Do not panic; these movements are the old beliefs you hold that are in need of release and it is time to let them go. You cannot move forward with them. Just like a ride on a bumpy road,one you get past the rough spots it makes the smooth parts all the more enjoyable.
~ Creator
我的孩子,大轉變要發生了! 準備好,扣上安全帶,關上艙門,如果你不想錯失就綁好它...但是,它一定會發生。要是你心中有些微不適的騷動,這就是宇宙給你的信號表示它將要開始了! 不要驚慌;此騷動是你需要釋放的舊信念,該是放下的時候了。你不能帶著它們前進。猶如行駛於崎嘔之路,一旦你通過顛簸,你會更享受平順的道路。
~ 造物主
transcribed by Jennifer Farley