問:You've talked about in the time,in the 2030 range,that we would be living with hybrids side by side in our civilization.
巴夏:In and around your time of 2037,when your planet will join the Association of Worlds,will be a time when there will be certain numbers of hybrid beings living on your planet.It will have begun before that time to some degree,maybe even around your year of 2022,in that sense.But certainly,by my contemporary time frame of,what you would call,three hundred of your years from now the Earth is very heavily populated with human and hybrid species.
巴夏:在大約你們的2037年,你們的星球將會加入世界聯盟(Association of Worlds),這個時候,會有一定數量的混血種族生活在你們的星球上。在一定程度上,在那個時間之前(他們已經開始(生活在你們的星球上了),也許甚至會提前到2022年。無論如何,可以肯定的是,到我的同時代時間框架之前,也就是你們所稱的、從現在開始300年之後,地球上將會生活著眾多的人類和混血種族。
問:Also,the black helicopters that have been seen since the fifties,are some of them our future selves?
問:So there is not an attempt to come back in time?
巴夏:When you see a ship that is representative of what is ostensibly a future self,it will always been seen as a triangle.What you call the black helicopters sometimes are projections from ships,but not from ships of your future self.And sometimes they are literally machines that are controlled and owned by your own military.But your future selves will appear only as the triangular form,for now.
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