One of the most beautiful things of your Earth plane existence is being able to experience pain.I can hear you saying,"Are you kidding?!"(Smiling) Yes, it is true.How many times have you come out of a painful period with a sigh of relief and a sense of gratitude? Do you see what I mean? Without pain and the release of pain, whether it be emotional, mental or physical…you would not know peace,quiet and what a true health feels like.Pain is a guidepost, it is a marker and a starting point from which you can mark your growth.Just like anything else in your life is it something to recognize and honor rather than deny.
~ Creator
存在地球上最美好的事情之一就是可以體驗痛苦。我能聽到你說:"你在開玩笑嗎?!"(微笑) 是的,它是真的。有多少次你帶著如釋重負的歎息與感激的心情走出一段傷痛期? 你明白我的意思嗎? 不論在情緒、精神或是身體上…沒有體驗過痛苦以及釋放痛苦,你就不會懂得什麼是平靜、安寧與真正健康的感覺。痛苦是一個路標,它是標誌與起點,可以用來記錄你的成長。就像你生命中的其他東西,它應該被瞭解和重視,而不該被拒絕。
October 6, 2016 by jenniferfarley