A therapist visitor says:It is very difficult for me to listen to myself.I can see problems for other people but I cannot for me.


That happens always to people who are helping others—groupleaders,psychoanalysts,therapists.It happens to all such people because by and by they become too much other-focused.They listen to their problems and they try to solve them,but this whole effort may be just an escape from their own problems.This is my understanding because so many psychoanalysts,therapists and groupleaders have come to me.

This is the problem for almost every therapist.You may have chosen the therapy as a deep occupation,a preoccupation; as an escape from your own problems.It is very easy to get involved in others"problems; very easy to become a messiah,very easy.And when others are in misery,in trouble,in anxiety and anguish,you become so concerned that you forget for a few moments that you have your own misery still unsolved.This can become such a focusing that when you want to turn your light inwards,it does not turn.Or even if it turns inwards,you will think about yourself as if you are somebody else.

So you will need certain eastern techniques; western methods won"t do.The whole western methodology is concerned with the other.The whole thing seems to be as if you have to help the other and others have to help you.So one psychoanalyst goes to another psychoanalyst for his own psychoanalysis.And this goes on! It is a game,a beautiful game! Everybody is benefited out of it; nobody is at a loss.And nothing happens—a merry-go-round.

The eastern methodology is totally different.It insists that nobody can help you; that you are the patient and you are also going to be the therapist.Nobody can help you.

In zen monasteries in Japan they have a treatment for all sorts of problematic people.They simply put them in the furthest,most distant corner of the monastery.They supply their needs but nobody talks to them.They are allowed to do whatsoever they like; their time is theirs.If they want to talk to themselves,they can.If they want to dance,they can dance.If they want to sit,they can sit; whatsoever they want.Their physical needs are cared for and nobody bothers about their spiritual or mental needs.

Left alone to themselves,they start growing in a very subtle way.In a three-week separation,left to yourself in isolation,what will you do? By and by you will start searching inwards and all preoccupations will drop.All the problems that you have been escaping from will bubble up,will surface.You will go into an almost critical state; it will be a crisis.You will almost become mad.But that has to be passed through; it is very therapeutic.

You are hiding a certain madness in you and you are escaping from it—and the best way to escape is to become a therapist.When people come to you and they are more mad,you feel a certain happiness; unconsciously one feels that one is not alone.Everybody is mad—and worse than you are—so there is nothing to be worried about.

That's why people enjoy others"miseries very much.When they come to know others"miseries,their miseries look smaller—comparatively,relatively,they feel good.

[Osho suggested it would be good for her to go into isolation for one month,in which time she could allow whatsoever was there to come up.]

You are not allowing it—and you know it.You are suppressing it in a subtle way; sitting on it.It has to be provoked,and once it comes up you will lose all performance.For a few days you will become almost helpless.

In helping others,leading groups,you have learned a certain performance.Technically you have become skilful,but that is not going to help.That will be almost a suicide to your innermost potentiality.

[Osho said that when a doctor is focused on the illnesses of his patients,he himself is never ill.Once there is a shortage of patients then a doctor can become ill.When politicians are in power,campaigning,warring,they are perfectly healthy,but once out of office,illness strikes....]

Richard Nixon's illness is very much psychological.He was healthy; there was no problem.But once the power started slipping out of his hands,he became ill and crippled.He was thinking many times in those days to commit suicide.Not only that—once the thought even passed through his mind that he could push the button for atom bombs to be dropped on Russia.Why die alone? Let the whole world die with him.

Mad people.But when they are in power,everything is good; they are all smiles.So continue your work but watch it,mm? Because the first duty is towards oneself.And remember this too as a basic dictum:you cannot help anybody else if you are not really healthy.It is impossible.You can play the role and people can be helped a little bit,but that help is not going to do anything permanent for them.How is it possible?

That's the difference between the western psychotherapist and the eastern master.The eastern master has to be himself,totally whole,holy; totally rooted and centred.Only then is he allowed to help anybody,otherwise not.But in the West now...


From:OSHO Beloved Of My Heart





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