
World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns
Benjamin Fulford, 13 March, 2017
本傑明·富爾福德 2017年3月13日

The world's freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence.The meetings will start this week at the Freemason underground complex near Tokyo Tower and will conclude with a final leadership selection at the Sanno Hotel on March 25, the sources say.

The meetings are taking place because a long term Freemason goal, the creation of a benevolent world government, is near completion, the sources continue.

There is also a lot of talk from multiple sources of some sort of event planned for March 15th, the Ides of March.This was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated.This is also the day the US government will hit its debt ceiling.Asian Secret Societies, for their part place great importance on March 19th, the day the last Ming Emperor died(also, by coincidence, this writer's birthday).Exactly what will happen is not clear but certainly the last half of March will see many world changes, multiple sources agree.
多個消息管道來源表示,還有很多同樣在本月15日扣人心弦的某種活動持續上演。據悉,當天是凱撒大帝(Julius Caesar)被暗殺的同一天,也是代表美國政府將達到債務上限的那一天,而根據亞洲秘密會社說,本月19日同樣是他們非常重要的日子,就是明代最後一位皇帝去世的那一天(巧合,與本作家的生日相同)。究竟本月會發生什麼事目前尚不清楚,但肯下半月將看到許多世界的變化。

There is also extremely high tension worldwide as the various power centers jockey for position in the upcoming world federation, various sources agree.

The tensions are especially high now in Japan and the Korean Peninsula over who will occupy the throne of Emperor of a United Korea, the Japanese military intelligence sources say.The Rothschilds and the Chinese want to install Kim Han Sol, the eldest son of Kim Jong Nam, who is in turn the oldest son of former top leader Kim Jon Il, Chinese intelligence agency sources say.That is why Rothschild puppet politicians in Japan have called for a pre-emptive attack against North Korea.

That is also why various media reports suggested US President Donald Trump would be sending B-52 nuclear bombers to South Korea.

However, the North Koreans say the Kim Han Sol being presented as candidate for Emperor is a fake with a different face from the real Kim Han Sol.To drive home their point, the North Koreans launched missiles capable of hitting US military bases in Japan.They also, according to Japanese military intelligence, deployed 100,000 North Korean special forces troops, armed with suitcase nuclear weapons, to the Japanese cities of Nagoya, Osaka and Tokyo.The people behind Kim Han Sol, for their part, say Kim Jong Un is just a front for the Cabot family of Switzerland and the Nabeshima clan behind the Mitsubishi group that supports Prime Minister Abe.

Of course the current Japanese royal family is also fake but the fact the actually occupy the throne gives them some legitimacy.The same can be said of Kim Jong Un.

Speaking about Japan, the power struggle here is also intensifying.The Khazarian Mafia has handed over control of the Japanese election stealing machinery to Softbank's Son Masayoshi.Son now controls the Fortress Investment Group which owns,(via some paper companies) Musashi Engineering, the manufacturer of Japan's election stealing vote counting machines.

This is the same Son who recently showed up to visit Donald Trump and try to bribe him with $100 billion worth of Saudi money.

It appears this offer failed to sway Trump and his military/agency backers to offer protection to the Saudi Royals because the Saudi King, 25 Princes and an entourage of 1500 people have fled to Indonesia, according to CIA sources there.This can be partially confirmed in an Indonesian news announcement that King Salman has prolonged his stay in Indonesia by3days supposedly to 「boost Middle Eastern tourism in Indonesia.」

This means he has also postponed his visit to Japan where he was due to attend the Freemason gathering, Japanese military intelligence sources confirm.

The Japanese military have also traced the recent failed bio-weapons attacks in Tokyo to the Disease Control and Prevention Center in Shinjuku ward and its sister facility in Saitama Prefecture.

These and other attempts by the Khazarians to terrorize the world with nuclear and bio-weapons were stopped after a map of all Israeli nuclear facilities was published and threats were made to hit them all with missiles, Mossad sources say.Pressure on Israel and the Khazarian mafia government currently in charge there was applied last week by the US military and the Russian government, Pentagon sources say.

The moves to force Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to end their Daesh(formerly ISIL) campaign were plotted when top US General Joseph Dunford met with his Russian and Turkish counterparts in Turkey on March 7th, Pentagon sources say.This is why Israel's Benyamin Netanyahu and Turkey's Recep Erdogan 「were given a dressing down」 when they met Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 9th and 10th, the sources say.

During the meeting with Netanyahu Putin pressed him on coming up with a two state solution to the Palestinian problem, they say, This was followed up by President Trump the next day when he invited Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to the White House to discuss the same thing, the sources continue.
據悉,在與本雅明和普京的會晤中,普京敦促他提出解決巴勒斯坦問題的兩國解決方案,他們說,第二天,川普就邀請巴勒斯坦領導人馬哈茂德·阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)到白宮討論同樣的事。

There is also a continuing fierce battle to complete the purge of Satan worshipping Khazarians inside the US government, multiple sources agree.

This is visible in the news with the purge of the US State Department by Rex Tillerson and the firing of 46 prosecutors by Jeff Sessions, the sources note.
這一消息是來自美國國務卿雷克斯(Rex Tillerson)對美國國務院的清除,以及來源記者傑夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)發佈的46名檢察官的消息中。

However, the battle by CIA Director Mike Pompeo to purge the CIA of Wall Street, Bush, Saudi and Israeli factions is encountering stiff resistance, Pentagon sources say.
然而,五角大樓消息說,中情局局長麥克·蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)掃蕩華爾街、布希、沙烏地和以色列各派的中情局的鬥爭,正遭遇強硬的抵抗。

That is why the US military released the vault7information about the CIA illegally spying on the American people, they say.「The CIA may be prosecuted as an enemy of the people with its illegal hacking tools since it has no legal mandate and is acting as a rogue transnational criminal organization,」 the Pentagon sources add.
這就是為什麼美軍發放了7號地窖(Vault 7)的關於中情局非法窺探美國人民的信息。五角大樓補充說:「中情局可能被起訴為擁有非法駭客工具,因為它沒有法律授權,並且是一個流氓跨國犯罪組織。


The vault7release was also an attack on Mossad and may be followed by more leaks in order to force Trump to 「dump parasite Israel and stop infiltration by "allied"foreign agents,」 the sources continue.

In a sign the White House needs patriot's help in its war against the deep state, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had a US flag lapel pin placed upside down on his jacket during his March 10th press conference, the sources note.「It is a military sign of distress and a coded message to the good guys,」 the Pentagon sources say.
看來,這場戰爭中,白宮需要愛國者飛彈來幫忙打擊陰森國度,白宮新聞秘書肖恩·斯派塞(Sean Spicer)在本月10日的記者招待會上,被人用一個美國國旗翻領別針放在他的外套上。五角大樓說:「這是一個的軍事危險信號。」

The Russians are also going after the Khazarian mafia in Eastern Europe with moves being made to end Khazarian influence in the Baltics, the former Yugoslavia and the Ukraine, Russian FSB sources say.Russian newsbroadcasts claim the Nazi Ukrainian government illegally put in power by the Khazarians will not last more than 60 days.

The situation in Western Europe also continues the mathematically inevitable trajectory of a collapse of the Euro and an end to the non-democratic EU governmental structure.The same is true of the fascists in South America where resource plundering Brazilian President Michel Temer announced he was moving out of the Presidential palace because of 「ghosts」(directed energy weapons?).
西歐的局勢也繼續了歐元崩潰在數學上不可避免的軌跡,並結束了非民主的歐盟政府結構。在南美洲的法西斯也是如此,掠奪巴西資源的狗蛋總統米歇爾·米默(Michel Temer)宣佈因為「有鬼」(定向能量武器?)的原因而搬出總統府。

There is also something strange going on further South of Brazil.A rather cryptic message from the Pentagon about Antarctica reads as follows:「After pacification by Russian/US forces, top defense contractor Lockheed is hiring 1000 to work in Antarctica.」

All these world changes taking place as described above have their origins in a power shift at a very esoteric level of reality.We will try to summarize again briefly below the forensic trail followed by this writer that led to the 「black sun」 entity whose defeat has made all these changes possible.

Years ago I was told by agents sent by then Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka that there was a plot to kill 90% of humanity in order to「save the environment.」 Asian secret societies had heard the same thing when they wire-tapped a meeting at the Molech(Baal, Set, Satan) worshipping Bohemian grove.When they offered to help fight these Satan worshippers I suggested to the Asians that the problem in the West has highly concentrated at the very top of the world power structure and that the average Westerner would be totally appalled at the idea of killing 90% of humanity.We came to the conclusion that the solution to the problem lay in targeting the very tip top of Western power.
數年前,當時的日本財政大臣竹中平藏告訴本筆者,為了「拯救環境」,有一個殺死90%人口的陰謀。亞洲秘密會社在竊聽撒旦崇拜的「波西米亞樹林(Bohemian grove)」的惡魔聚會時,也得悉了同樣的情報。當他們提出要出手打擊這些惡魔時,我向他們建議,西方的問題高度集中在世界權力結構的最高層,而且,普通西方人會對於殺死90%人類的想法感到震驚。我們得出結論,解決這個問題的關鍵點在於瞄準西方勢力的尖端。

This led to Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemason lodge visiting me in Tokyo and inviting me to visit the P2 in Italy.There I was taken by Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, to a cathedral in Milan where there was a stained glass image of their god, the black sun.Mazzara told me it was a black hole in the center of the galaxy that communicated to them via the gamma wave spectrum.
這導致意大利共濟會的李奧.扎哥米(Leo Zagami)到東京拜訪我,並邀請我去參觀意大利的共濟會。在那裏,我被條頓騎士騎士瘟神座(Vincenzo Mazzara)帶到米蘭的一座大教堂,裏面有一個他們的神,黑色太陽的彩色玻璃圖像。瘟神座告訴我,這是在銀河中心的一個黑洞,通過伽馬波(Gamma Wave)傳達給他們。

What I encountered at the Cathedral was a black void of what can only bedescribed as anti-life, an entity that feeds on the life force.Apparently for thousands of years this entity have given enormous power and wealth to a select few in exchange for having them feed it human andanimal sacrifices.This is what I call the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.

The vision of the future held by P2 members like Mazzara was one of total war and destruction on this planet, something they thought was inevitable.

However, an incredibly powerful light force entity confronted this blacksun and threatened to delete the entire universe into zero and one or black and white unless it backed off.That is because the forces of darkness were getting so strong they threatened the entire structure of the universe.The entity backed off and fled this universe.This was seen as the Norway spiral event.

The result is that while the universe before this event was like a top spinning out of control, it is now back in harmonic balance between opposite but mutually beneficial forces known as yin and yang or male and female.For this reason the entity known as Satan has ceased to be life destroying absolute evil but has instead transformed into a benevolent goddess working in harmony with the male aspect of the universe.

Because this entity fled the universe, the lesser evil entities that worked below it were no longer able to resist the forces of light.They have been systematically purged and soon the last of them will be finished off.

At this point a quarantine that has been placed on this planet will be lifted and earth life will be free to expand into the universe, according to these esoteric sources.

Since we are about to experience exponential expansion, it is very important that we set the initial starting parameters at the most optimal possible level.That is why we must now set up a transparent, democratic, meritocratic world federation combining the best practices of all cultures to preside over the human expansion into the universe.

Of course seeing is believing and until we actually see and experience these changes personally people must focus on improving the here and nowof their real lives.Hopefully, the rest we shall see.






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