Every lifetime has a soul mission for healing and a life purpose designed to bring closure to the healing cycle.Every healing path mirrors your soul's desire for wholeness,to release pain and trauma so you can know joy and peace.The release of soul groups and karmic cycles is the focus of your healing journey so that you can be complete with your karmic cycles and soul groups.You enter a lifetime for healing and to heal yourself into wholeness but when you see yourself as the healer for others,you lose the focus of your self-healing purpose and become a purpose for others.

This healing purpose draws you into karmic cycles that cannot end because they are not your cycles,they are the pain and trauma that others have created for themselves that are their own healing journey.Each person is their own healer and no one can heal another.Once you shift from your purpose of your healing journey to become a healer you step onto someone's path and lose the empowerment that is only available on your own path.

The desire to be a healer for others arises partly from your desire to prevent anything that might disrupt humanity's ascension path.You fear that without being aware of healing or the opportunity for healing,someone may prevent higher frequencies from being present and that will end the ascension cycle.As you heal into wholeness you become more aware of others distractions,scattered energy,and pain,and you wish for them to know peace,joy,and love.So you step onto their path to become their healer.

With these soul groups you have known lifetimes of pain and trauma and it is true that many of them have interrupted your own healing,as well as interfered with past ascension cycles.But this ascension cycle has new potential and a new level of energy that has not been present for you before.No one can interrupt the ascension cycle but when you become a healer of others you interrupt your own movement into wholeness.And the light you can shine brightly becomes dim and loses its focus.Your own ascension cycle is interrupted and that serves no one,you or humanity.

The inspiration of your healed self is the light you can shine brightly for others.There is no need to convince them of the need for healing and that is not possible for you to do.Instead,your peace,joy,and love serve as a bright beacon of new potential for humanity that will encourage them to release their pain and know the joy they see in you.The role of the Light Worker was to heal the world by being a source of healing.The role of the Light Beacon is to be a source for healing and inspire others to seek this for themselves.

Every experience of healing mirrors your soul mission and life purpose.There are no wasted or unneeded experiences.Each facet of a lesson holds the promise of learning,healing,transformation,and ascension.Moving forward on your path comes when you release the need to be a healer and acknowledge your own healing.Everyone does not need to be healed and whole before ascension can occur.But those who are the ascension forerunners,the ones who have the brightest lights and who are the enlighteners of the world are the ones the ascension cycle needs.Be your own healer and acknowledge your journey into wholeness.Be in joy,that is your purpose.Then you become the inspiration for humanity's ascension path and become part of the higher dimensional flow of grace to create heaven on earth for yourselves as you inspire the world with your joyful light.



通靈:Jennifer Hoffman
翻譯:Nick Chan http://nickchan-love.blog.163.com









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