I am Mother Mary and I look forward to wonderful days of light.The light is here now, dear children on Earth.The light has started to make inroads in all your hearts.There is a constant transformation going on in your bodies now.It is this that makes you tired and a bit disheartened.Take all opportunities for rest now dear children.Then the energy can more easily get established in your body.Blockages are more easily dissolved when in a state of rest.Soft and calm movements are also good.Focus on your movements and your body and the energy will more easily flow through.It is a time of rest for those that feel you need this and it is many of you now.

The energy is strong and impacts all of you now in one way or another.Let it in, do not be afraid, it can feel as much, but it comes with joy and love.You are a part of this energy and it is a part of you.It wants to wish you welcome home and it helps you to free you from all your chains.With an allowing approach the energy finds more easily its place in your life and in your body.Resistance generates resistance and can cause more problems for you.We now just want to have this beautiful and loving energy in your lives so allow yourself to embrace it without fear.Your body and your life will then go through a fantastic transformation, to a life in love and harmony with all that exist around you.

It is here now for you dear children on Earth.This large abundance of love is here now for you.Feel trust in your heart, feel the energy that is all around you, feel the love that wants to fill your hearts.It is the era of Love now dear children on Earth.Your bodies are being prepared for the times that now have entered on Earth.All living bodies on Earth go through the same transformation and everything is impacted from the small to the large.Nothing can escape this metaphor that now shines all through Earth.Everything is impacted, reordered and dances anew.It is a constant wave movement and for each wave movement a change is taking place.

It is a fantastic spectacle dear children on Earth.We can see how you change from one day to next.Your bodies change, your way of thinking changes, your life are starting to look completely different.These are small changes hardly noticeable, but many small changes impact in the end the whole picture.In one year you have experienced noticeable changes in your selves and in your lives.It has become better for many in many ways.Others have had tumultuous experiences, which have deeply affected them.In spite of your different experiences you have all moved forward in your development.Some have taken small steps others have taken giant leaps depending on which experiences you have had.You are all on your way dear children and you get the help you need to step into the light now.Your light dear children on Earth—you step into your own light of love and joy.

I am so proud and glad when I see this large array of people stepping into their own light of love.You are many now that step in to the light and you pull yet more with you.It is a true joy and with great happiness that we see you march forward towards the goal of your heart.Tears of love fill my eyes and fall down on you—the people of my heart.I love you so much and I am with you now in every step you take and help you as much as I am able to.Have trust dear children on Earth.Trust that all moves forward and that your time of light is here now.Let in the light and the love in your life.It is all around you now.The biggest of all is Love—The Love for your selves, for life, for all that is.There is only love, as God is love.

Mother Mary



通靈:Ann Dahlberg
翻譯:Nick Chan http://nickchan-love.blog.163.com/







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