Many of you have been taught to temper your emotions, which has diminished your ability to be fully present and have the full human experience. You don't have to be afraid of your emotions, Dear Ones, in fact, they are the only way you can discover the things you really wish to experience such as love, compassion, connection, and joy.
It is unrealistic to expect to leap from denying your emotions into fully feeling them. That would be overwhelming to you and would result in you further withdrawing into disconnection from them. So we suggest you start to get comfortable with your feelings a little bit at a time.
If you are uncomfortable, don't immediately try to dismiss it but rather experiment with just sitting with your discomfort for a moment. Label it. Give it a colour, shape, or size if that helps. Just acknowledge it. You may be surprised that it starts to ease on its own because you have just stopped resisting it and moved into curiosity and acceptance of it.
If you are happy, explore how you limit that as well. If you are enjoying yourself, feel into the present moment and see if you can embrace it just a little bit more. Can you expand it? Can your happiness turn into gratitude? Into joy?
You have all come to accept energy and the role it plays in your lives. Your emotions are simply feedback of the energies you are in at any given moment. They are a wonderful feedback tool, as well as a beautiful demonstration of your humanity, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯:Nick Chan
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